Tian Fangchun: From Volunteers to Prosecutors


2011-05-06 09:04:00   Source: China Youth Network    Author: Li Yanlong


Outstanding volunteer Tian Fangchun


I am a small stone,
Buried quietly in the soil,
I would like to pave a colorful road,
Let people go to meet the dawn and the sun

Because of youth, because of dreams, with the vision of a new life and the pursuit of life, six years ago, after just finishing four years of college life, I resolutely chose to participate in the Western Volunteer Program for College Students and began a two-year volunteer career. While choosing to volunteer, I also chose the hardship in the hardship, but I don't regret it. Maybe I can't control my life, but I can choose my attitude towards life. I have struggled, experienced, tears and sweat have interwoven my two years of volunteer life, and the locked eyebrows and blooming smiles have faithfully recorded a story of my life. Looking back on the short and long two years, countless ordinary and trivial days, I have drawn a heavy brush for my life.

In July 2005, on a summer evening, I stepped on a long-distance bus to Zhenba from Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi Province. To be honest, before that, I only knew that Hanzhong was known as the "Little Jiangnan" in the northwest, but I never had the opportunity to appreciate her beauty, let alone where Zhenba is, but I was very clear in my heart that the places where the volunteer western plan went were relatively difficult conditions. Because of this, despite the cheers and laughter of fellow volunteers along the way, my mood is more or less complicated - mixed with longing and confusion, because participating in volunteer activities is also a starting point for me to practice my life dream, and how to take this step is my biggest confusion. On the bumpy road, my mood has not been calm. In this way, I never left my parents' care. After a long journey of more than ten hours, I finally arrived at Zhenba, the hub of Sichuan and Shaanxi, a small town in southern Shaanxi surrounded by green mountains and clear water.

After participating in the brief welcome ceremony held by the County Volunteer Western Planning Project Management Office - the Youth League Committee, the leaders of the County Procuratorate received me and two other students to our new home - Zhenba County People's Procuratorate. When the car slowly drove into the compound of the organ, when I thought that I could engage in the specific work of the legal profession we learned here, I was very happy! However, difficulties almost followed with joy, because communicating with others was the first step of work, but as an outsider, I could not understand the local dialect of Zhenba with strong "Sichuan flavor" at all, which brought language communication obstacles to my work of handling complaints and reports with ordinary people every day, and made my work almost in trouble. Looking at the helpless expression on my face, the enthusiastic section chief offered to work as an interpreter for my "recruit". After two weeks of "intensive training", I was barely able to understand a few simple Zhenba dialects. In order not to affect my normal work and enter the work role earlier, I found a Zhenba colleague who graduated from the university one year earlier than me in the unit and became a Zhenba dialect teacher for me. In the following month, I used the way of learning English to extract Zhenba dialect words one by one and recite them repeatedly. "Dialect teacher" also helped me borrow the "Zhenba County Annals" and learned the "dialect volume" with me, so that I basically solved the problem of not understanding Zhenba dialect. What I will never forget is that in the next few years of frequent contacts in work and study, the common ideals and interests also helped me and the "dialect teacher" to start a new journey of life together, which is another big gain for me as a volunteer in the west.

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