Volunteer Yang Xiaoming: Rooting in the West, Shaping Brightness with Low Light


2016-05-12 15:10:00   Source: China Youth Network    Author: Li Yanlong

If suffering is a kind of wealth, Yang Xiaoming is a rich man. In the past few years, he has made us admire him immensely. He came from a state-level poverty-stricken county and shouldered responsibilities that did not belong to him with the shoulder of an ordinary or even young person. To create a love community, we have gone from the "Twilight Love Team" with only a dozen people at the beginning to the "Twilight Volunteer Service Team" with tens of thousands of people participating, from only raising more than 1000 yuan of donations to raising more than 500000 yuan of donations, raising countless materials. Social welfare institutions, students in need, urban beggars and scavengers, poor families, sudden disaster areas, migrant children's centralized primary schools, old communities, apartments for the elderly, and care service centers for the disabled, he traveled everywhere in need of help. We always think that a person's strength is too weak. However, he told us with an ordinary figure that although the twilight was weak, it created light. Silent, but with infinite power.

   Poverty and suffering, shoulder to shoulder; Self reliance and brilliant deeds

Yang Xiaoming, 24 years old, comes from Jingyuan County, Guyuan City, Ningxia, a state-level poverty-stricken county. Volunteer of the Western Plan of Yinchuan, Ningxia. Born in Jingyuan, a state-level poverty-stricken county, in 1992, his family was poor, his parents were farmers, his mother was deaf and dumb, and his father was injured by an accident, so far he has suffered from leg and foot problems. Although his family was poor, he began to volunteer when he was young, and now he has been volunteering for more than 500 hours. In poverty, he is hardworking, optimistic and cheerful, and drives away all kinds of misfortunes with youthful vigor; In difficult times, he has no regrets, sticks to poverty, and fills every detail with simple love.

 Yang Xiaoming, a volunteer from Ningxia, raised money for Yu Xuekui, a Zhongwei rural teacher suffering from leukemia. Courtesy of Yang Xiaoming

Yang Xiaoming, a volunteer from Ningxia, raised money for Yu Xuekui, a Zhongwei rural teacher suffering from leukemia. Courtesy of Yang Xiaoming

However, the unfortunate gains often happen to the good people. He was responsible for launching a fundraising initiative for Zhongwei Rural Primary School. After a month of joint support and efforts of volunteers and caring people, he donated more than 20000 yuan of stationery and clothing. At the end of the fundraising, the day before he was going to send the donated materials to Zhongwei School, he received the news from his home that his mother was suffering from fallopian tube cancer and was operated the next day. Ask him to go home at once. But he has promised all the children and all the people who raise money to deliver the goods to the children. Since he has always been responsible for this activity, if the activity cannot be carried out without him, then the donation will not know what changes will happen and when. What should I do? His heart has been struggling, one side is his mother, the other side is commitment. How should he choose? In the end, he chose responsibility in his painful struggle, and decided to send the materials to school first, and then take a bus home. On the night when he made the decision, he was busy sorting out goods and materials until late at night, but he could not sleep through the night, as if his mother's cry in the hospital had been lingering in his ears, pounding, stabbing his heart. At the thought of his mother's painful face and his decision, he could not sleep for a long time. The next day, with a bad mood, he still sent the supplies to the children's hands, and then hurried home. At this time, his mother had finished the operation and was lying on the hospital bed. He barely raised a smiling face to see his mother, but his heart was cut. The unexpected wind and rain once again attacked this already fragile family, and all the responsibilities fell on him alone. He was basically responsible for the hundreds of thousands of treatment costs of his mother. He did not give up all these hardships, but insisted on helping the people in need. He said that he would persist until the end, just like the sun rising and falling, rising and rising again, never ending.

Although life has given him the most cruel test, when he was in college, he continued to strive for self-improvement. He successively competed with the student union, volunteer association and social federation to join the school, and organized and participated in the freshman culture festival, campus science and technology art festival, community culture festival, welcome party for the new and see off the old, sports games, 2013 China Arab Economic and Trade Fair, the National Book Trade Fair Volunteer services for major events such as the World Equestrian Barrel Race and the extreme hiking of the Five Thousand People Company have been recognized by all sectors of society. He has won honorary titles such as excellent volunteers, excellent volunteers, excellent student cadres, excellent event organizers, and brand students at all levels for many times. During each winter and summer vacation, he will guide Ningxia's students studying in colleges and universities around the region to carry out social practice, attracting more than 30 college students from inside and outside the province to participate. During the winter and summer vacation, he also extensively cooperated with volunteer organizations and performing arts teams across Ningxia to carry out social practice activities, and successively performed in communities, apartments for the elderly, and children's welfare homes in various counties and cities of Ningxia Civilized (policies and regulations) propaganda, home visits and research as the main content of more than 70 activities. In college, he successively organized others or himself to apply for eight school level innovation projects, eleven social practice projects, and one autonomous region level innovation project, and won many honors such as excellent practice individual in social practice, excellent key projects, and the first prize of practice report.

Since the preparation for the establishment of Microlight, for a long time, he has led the Microlight team to cooperate with non-governmental public welfare organizations such as the Ningxia Volunteer Federation, Ningxia Credit Suisse Angel Love Foundation and volunteer teams from many other universities to carry out large-scale volunteer activities for many times, and led his team to win honorary titles such as "excellent cooperation unit" for many times.

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