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The research group of Tianjin Normal University has passed the torch of love for ten years


2016-07-22 10:27:00   Source: Xinhua    Author: Li Yanlong

A few days ago, Tianjin Normal University held an exchange forum for postgraduate teaching groups. At the meeting, representatives of teachers and students from Normal University expressed their opinions.

Zhang Yue, a member of the 5th Tianjin Normal University Graduate Education League, a teacher of the College of Arts, and secretary of the Youth League, said that after eight years of leaving Dingxi, Gansu Province, he still hasn't forgotten the day and night of supporting education and poverty alleviation work, and he always misses the children he once taught. For Dingxi, she has an indelible feeling, not only because she has made sincere efforts there, but also because under her inspiration and drive, her three students have also entered the ranks of the graduate school branch, contributing wisdom and youth. She passed the baton of supporting education and helping the poor from her own hands to the hands of students one after another, so that the torch of love can be passed on from generation to generation.

During the period of Dingxi volunteer teaching, I spent half a year visiting all over Dingxi for home visits. Through the "Heart Guarding Home" network platform, I contacted a large number of funded "National University Student Public Welfare Star" Wang Bin, who is a member of the sixth Tianjin Normal University postgraduate volunteer teaching group. Now he has become a teacher in the scientific research department of the university. He said: Although he has stepped onto the job, his current work has nothing to do with basic education, but now he will still use his spare time to pay attention to the learning situation of children in Dingxi and the construction of the website of "Keeping Home", and habitually collect some love money from his friends to send it to children in Dingxi. Although living and working in Dingxi is hard, he has gained a lot. He will apply these gains to his future work and contribute to the development of the school and the construction of the country.

Through telephone connection, Li Beiping, a member of the 12th Graduate Education Branch, said that if he had not seen and experienced the hardship in the west, he would never have felt it. They will remember their mission, learn from practice, learn from the people, live up to expectations, study hard, work hard, and give a satisfactory answer to the motherland and the people.

Liu Haijian, a member of the fifth postgraduate teaching group and teacher of Northwest Normal University, who returned to the west after completing postgraduate studies and took root in the west, said that as a postgraduate who had been teaching in Dingxi for one year, the reason why he returned to the west after graduation was actually due to his own feelings about the west. Although there were many difficulties in the one-year volunteer teaching life, he deeply fell in love with the vast land and simple students in the west. The choice of taking root in the west was seriously considered. He felt that it was a place where he could strive for his life and make a difference.

It is reported that since 2002, Tianjin Normal University has recruited and selected the first batch of postgraduate teaching support groups to go to the west. In the past 10 years, Tianjin Normal University has sent more than 60 outstanding graduate students to Dingxi, Gansu, a national poverty area, to carry out teaching support work, pass on the poverty relief relay plan, and carry forward the spirit of volunteer service. (Correspondent Zhang Wei)

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