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118 Volunteers in Jiangsu Province Served Xinjiang, a Record High


2016-07-22 10:12:00   Source: Yangzi Evening News    Author: Li Yanlong

On July 21, the 2016 Western Plan and Northern Jiangsu Plan college student volunteer expedition ceremony was held in Nanjing Forestry University. After the expedition ceremony, nearly 1000 volunteer representatives went to five cities in northern Jiangsu and Xinjiang, Tibet and other provinces and regions in the west to carry out one-year volunteer service.

The reporter learned from the Youth League Provincial Committee that this year, there were 1059 new college volunteers in Jiangsu Province, 118 of whom went to Xinjiang to volunteer, a record high. Since 1999, young volunteers in Jiangsu Province have responded to the call of the central government. At present, a total of 10190 college students have volunteered to travel to the western part of the country and the northern part of Jiangsu Province. Volunteers will devote themselves to grassroots practice in the service areas, and devote their youth to the realization of the Chinese Dream with youth dreams and practical actions. (Reporter Shi Xiaolei)

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