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The research group of Sichuan Normal University went to the old revolutionary base areas to carry out the social practice of "three visits to the countryside"


2016-07-18 11:16:00   Source: Window to Chinese Universities   

On the occasion of celebrating the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March, from July 6 to 14, a team of 21 people, consisting of members of the postgraduate teaching support group of Sichuan Normal University and some outstanding volunteers, went to Mianning County, Liangshan Prefecture, the old revolutionary base area, to carry out a 7-day summer social practice activity of "Three Visits to the Countryside", To promote patriotism, guide young students to strengthen ideological and moral construction, and enhance their sense of social responsibility and historical mission.

   Leisure brotherhood

Mianning County is located in the southwest of Sichuan Province, in the north of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, 470km north of Chengdu, the provincial capital. Mianning County has more than 20 ethnic groups, including Han, Yi, Tibetan and Hui. The total population of Mianning County is more than 320000, of which about 110000 are ethnic minorities, accounting for 34.2% of the total population of Mianning County. Mianning County is an old revolutionary base area with a glorious revolutionary tradition. In May 1935, when the Long March of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army passed by here, Liu Bocheng, the Chief of General Staff of the Red Army, and Ye Dan, the head of the Guoji family of the Yi nationality, "swore a blood alliance" on the Yi coast, which enabled the Red Army to pass through the Yi area smoothly with the help of the Yi compatriots, and wrote a glorious chapter of national unity. The world-famous launch site of Xichang Satellite Launch Center is also located in the county.

   Long March

On July 6, all members of the team went to Jianchuan Museum in Dayi County, Chengdu to hold a patriotic education activity commemorating the "July 7th Incident" and the team's expedition ceremony. The team members learned and carried forward the spirit of the Anti Japanese War by visiting five anti Japanese war memorial halls.

On July 9, social research was carried out in East Long March Road, West Long March Road, South Street, Red Army Square and other places in Mianning County. Through filling out questionnaires, exchange interviews and other forms, we learned about local residents' understanding of the history of the Long March, and comprehensively and carefully investigated the popularity of the Red Army history in the local area and the current situation of the spirit of the Long March. The team members worked together and successfully completed the task of visiting and researching and writing the research report.

On July 10, an exchange and learning meeting was held with the party branch of Qingshiqiao Community, Mianning County, Liangshan Prefecture, on "two learning and one doing - old party members bringing new party members into the classroom". Lei Zhongping, secretary of the party branch of Qingshiqiao Community, and Xiang Bingxiang, an outstanding veteran party member, gave a vivid and profound party lesson to all student party members present based on their own work experience. Zhao Xun, the representative of student party member, explained his understanding of "two studies and one action" from two aspects of "learning" and "doing", and said that he should base on the present and look into the future, actively practice "two studies and one action", constantly learn and enrich himself, and strive to be a qualified party member of "four stresses and four haves".

On July 11, the "Long March · Feeling of the Yi Sea" art performance and fun music, sports and beauty activities sponsored by the team were held in the cultural activity center of Qingshiqiao Community, Mianning County. More than 150 people, including Qingshiqiao community cadres, community art troupe actors and community residents, participated in this activity. Volunteers sang the red golden song and staged the drama "Yi Sea Alliance", leading everyone to review history and promote the spirit of national unity. In addition, the volunteers also demonstrated the youth of contemporary college students with dynamic and cheerful songs and enthusiastic and cool dances. It is worth mentioning that the team song "Coming for You" specially created by the summer practice team of "Long March · Love of the Yi Sea" has become a highlight of the evening party.

On July 12, under the scorching sun, all members of the team spent 2 hours walking all the way from the Long March Road in Yihai to the Alliance Road, covering more than 10 kilometers. Along the way, through activities such as singing red songs, sharing the stories of the Long March, and visiting the Yi Sea Alliance Memorial Hall, we reviewed the glorious footprints left by the revolutionary ancestors, more deeply experienced the revolutionary martyrs' indomitable revolutionary spirit and perseverance, enhanced the students' understanding of the glorious history of the Party, and also enhanced the team cohesion.

On July 13, the team carried out a series of activities of "looking for old Red Army and old party members" in Mianning County by listening to old party members telling stories about the Red Army, volunteering for old party members, and giving self-made souvenirs. During the search activity, we learned about the legendary experience and glorious history of the revolutionary ancestors who fought bravely against the reactionaries, risked their lives and died. While the volunteers were greatly shocked, they were also baptized by revolution after revolution,

   Deeply love the Yi Sea

During the 7-day social practice activities, in this red hot land of outstanding people, the team took Mianning County as the base, through social research, visiting the descendants of the Red Army, carrying out "two learning and one doing" learning sessions, re walking the Long March, reviewing the history of war, literature and art shows and other forms, to understand the story of the Long March, carry forward the spirit of the Long March, and stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses of the people to love the country and the party. Volunteers spread their youth and positive energy in a series of learning and exchange activities that integrate thinking and sex.

On July 14, the volunteers sang the team song "Come for You, Come for You, Embrace the Past Youth and the Future", reluctantly stepped on the return train, looked at the villages that were going farther and farther behind them, and everyone shouted in unison, "Young Sichuan Teachers, Red Yi Sea Love", "Mianning, goodbye!"

A week goes by in a flash, the red journey of history ends in a hurry, but the new journey of students in the future has just begun. The monuments erected by the revolutionary martyrs with flesh and blood will always inspire everyone to work hard and forge ahead! (Correspondent: Zhao Xun, Qiu Hongyu)

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong