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Thirty nine volunteers from Ziyang City for the Western China Plan entered the grass-roots service units


2016-07-18 11:00:00   Source: Sichuan News Network    Author: Li Yanlong

In the afternoon of July 15, Ziyang Youth League Committee of Sichuan Province held a symposium and expedition ceremony for Ziyang's 2016 Western Plan volunteers in the conference room of Building 2 of the municipal government. Zhang Bo, secretary of the Municipal Youth League Committee, heads of the Youth League committees of all counties (districts), outstanding volunteer representatives of the previous Western Plan, relevant personnel of municipal and county level project offices, and 27 newly recruited college student volunteers participated in the symposium.

At the symposium, Zhang Bo put forward three hopes to the volunteers: "I hope you will cherish opportunities and shoulder heavy burdens; I hope you will be willing to contribute based on your own position; I hope you will strengthen your study and practice diligently."

It is reported that the plan for college students to volunteer to serve the western region is a public welfare project jointly organized and implemented by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security since 2003. It aims to promote the development of social undertakings such as education, health, agricultural technology and poverty alleviation in poor areas in the western region, and broaden the channels for college students to find jobs and start businesses. 39 volunteers from 19 colleges and universities in the province, including Sichuan Normal University, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Southwest University for Nationalities, will carry out volunteer services in grass-roots units in Yanjiang District, Anyue County and Lezhi County for 1-3 years.

It is understood that Ziyang City has started the recruitment of volunteers for the 2016 Western Plan since late April. As of late June, 27 college student volunteers have been recruited, and the remaining 12 will be recruited among college students to ensure the successful completion of the Western Plan this year.

At the symposium, Zhou Xunhong, Zhou Yincai and Zhao Yiqian, the former outstanding volunteers of Ziyang's Western Plan, shared their experiences with college volunteers, encouraging them to maintain their passion and serve the grassroots unswervingly. (Gong Daijian)

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