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Leaders of Wuhan University of Technology went to Guizhou to visit members of the research group


2016-07-14 09:51:00   Source: Window to Chinese Universities    Author: Li Yanlong

Recently, Wuhan University of Technology went to Guizhou to visit the volunteers of the 17th Graduate Education League of Wuhan University of Technology and held a symposium. Chen Mingming, Vice Governor of Guizhou Province, Xu Xiguang, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Youth League Committee, Zhao Jing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Wuhan University of Technology, Qiu Guanjian, former Deputy Secretary of the University Party Committee, and others attended the symposium. The head of the Guizhou Provincial Youth League Committee and the University Youth League Committee, and alumni representatives of the Guizhou Alumni Association, Volunteers from the 17th Graduate Education Support Group of Wuhan University of Technology participated in the symposium.

At the symposium, the volunteer representatives of the 17th Wuhan University of Science and Technology Graduate Education Delegation reported on their work and achievements in supporting teaching and learning, helping the poor, helping the disabled with sunshine, and cultural construction in the past year. Deputy Secretary Xu Xiguang thanked the school for its strong support for Guizhou's volunteer service cause over the years, and fully recognized the teacher training and targeted poverty alleviation projects carried out by the graduate student support group. The alumni representatives of Guizhou Alumni Association expressed their gratitude for the ten-year relay and student aid in Guizhou, and put forward ideas and suggestions on the joint development of poverty alleviation and student aid with the support group in the later period. The Guizhou Alumni Association also donated charity money to the "Science and Engineering · Didi GO" love platform of the support group.

Zhao Jing expressed condolences to the volunteers who worked hard and devoted themselves wholeheartedly, thanked the League organizations and education departments at all levels in Guizhou Province, and the Guizhou Alumni Association for their concern, help, and guidance in the work of the Youth League, and encouraged the Graduate Youth League to further clarify the orientation of the work of supporting education services, further improve the quality of supporting education services, and further promote the spirit of volunteer service. Professor Qiu Guanjian, the former deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Wuhan University of Technology, reviewed the history of the development of the volunteer education group, affirmed the volunteer work of the volunteer education group over the past ten years, and hoped that the volunteers would be dedicated and grateful.

Chen Mingming expressed his sincere gratitude to the school and the alumni association for their strong support for Guizhou's volunteer education and their charity donations, fully affirmed the work achievements of the Wuhan University of Technology graduate volunteer education group over the past ten years, and expressed his gratitude and condolences to the volunteers for their hard work and dedication! It is believed that the ten years when volunteers took root in the love relay in Guizhou are also the ten years for Guizhou to overcome poverty. Poverty alleviation must support wisdom, and education is the foundation of economic and social development. It is expected that the volunteer education group will continue to move forward based on the achievements of the ten years, and inject new vitality into the development of education in Guizhou.

It is reported that since 2007, the school has sent 127 outstanding students to Longli County, Sandu Shui Autonomous County, Pingtang County, Qiannan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, and Baokang County, Hubei Province to carry out volunteer education. The number of annual recruitment indicators of graduate student volunteer education group ranks first in the country. The graduate student volunteer education group brand project "Science and Engineering · Didi GO" "One year's companionship, lifelong care - special love for you" won the silver medal in the first and second China Volunteer Service Project Contest respectively. Based on their own duties, volunteers of the teaching support group have built a long-term mechanism to help the poor, which has played a positive role in helping the construction of rural teachers and promoting the development of local education, and has been highly praised by the local people and widely praised by the society.


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