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The Second Batch of Volunteers Serving United Nations Agencies in Shanghai


2021-09-16 15:51:00   Source: Chinese young volunteers   

On August 6, the "Overseas Service Plan of Chinese Youth Volunteers - Service for United Nations Agencies" (the second batch) volunteer expedition ceremony was held in Hongkou Campus of Shanghai International Studies University. Xiong Jian, Deputy Director of the Youth Volunteer Action Guidance Center of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, Qian Ling, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai International Studies University, Zhang Nan, Director of the China Office of UNV, Guo Li, Deputy Director of the United Nations Division I of the China Center for International Economic and Technological Exchanges under the Ministry of Commerce, and others from Tsinghua University 24 international volunteers selected from 15 universities including Nanjing University and the comrades in charge of the Youth League Committee of colleges and universities participated in the expedition ceremony.

Since 2019, the China Youth Volunteer Association (CYVA) and the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) have jointly organized and implemented the "Overseas Service Plan for Chinese Youth Volunteers - Serving United Nations Agencies" project. The first seven volunteers serving the United Nations agency project were selected by seven universities in China to serve seven different United Nations agencies in five countries, including Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Turkey, and the United States. Their services covered many fields, such as volunteer service capacity building in their countries, youth participation in sustainable development, and so on.

  Overseas young volunteer Zhou Shiyue of Huazhong Agricultural University gave a speech

Zhou Shiyue, an overseas young volunteer selected by Huazhong Agricultural University, said at the expedition ceremony that the "seed" of volunteer service in her mind was budding when she watched the school's original play "Care" in her freshman year. One of the prototype of the play's hero was Xu Benyu, a volunteer who "touched China". Xu Benyu's story of supporting teaching in Wumeng Mountain Primary School in Guizhou and serving as an international volunteer in Zimbabwe inspired her to use her professional knowledge to contribute to the motherland and the people. After that, she began her own journey of volunteer service, from zoo volunteer service to museum volunteer commentator, and little by little realized the meaning and happiness of volunteer service. Last year, when Zhou Shiyue participated in the volunteer service for epidemic prevention in his community in Wuhan during the first stage of the hardest epidemic of COVID-19 in China, he felt the responsibility and responsibility of Chinese youth in the new era. She said that volunteer service has no national boundaries, and she should show the good image of Chinese youth in the international arena with practical actions and positive actions.

Xu Yalan, an overseas youth volunteer from Tsinghua University, made a speech

Xu Yalan, an overseas youth volunteer selected by Tsinghua University, shared at the expedition ceremony that the COVID-19 epidemic has made the international situation, which is already full of changes, more complicated, and that it is more real suffering and challenges when it falls into the life of every ordinary person. Volunteer service opens a window for people to get closer to the people in need and the essence of the problem. She is determined to apply her knowledge and skills to improving the real world, deepen her understanding of the United Nations system, serve the people of countries most in need of development assistance, and promote China's participation in international governance through this opportunity to volunteer overseas. She said, "As China's role in international governance has become increasingly prominent, it is more necessary to fully understand the pulse of world development, make a Chinese voice, share experience on the international stage, and build bridges. As a Chinese young volunteer, it is our common task to be sensitive to the trend of the international situation, brave to assume our mission and expectations, and firmly perform voluntary services."

Professor Qian Ling, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai International Studies University, delivers a speech

At the expedition ceremony, Professor Qian Ling, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai International Studies University, as the organizer of the United Nations Volunteers' Centralized Training and Campaign Ceremony, delivered a speech on behalf of the project cooperation universities. She believes that at present, how to build a better and peaceful world and achieve the UN's sustainable development goals based on the profound thinking and practice of promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind is becoming a process that needs to be adhered to and pool wisdom. In today's world, the world is facing unprecedented changes in a century, and in the profound changes in the world pattern, it is of profound epochal significance and historical value to promote Chinese youth to participate in the realization of sustainable development goals as volunteers of the United Nations. She said that Shanghai International Studies University is willing to continue to deeply participate in the overseas service plan for Chinese young volunteers - the service for United Nations agencies project, and strive to work as a partner to jointly promote this plan to expand its scale, enhance its influence, help the international spread of Chinese volunteer spirit, tell a good story about China, convey Chinese words, and build a better world together.

Video address by Yokosuka He Jingzi, Global Deputy Executive Coordinator of UNV

Zhang Nan, Director of the China Office of UNV, delivers a speech

At the ceremony, Ms. Yokosuka He Jingzi, the Global Deputy Executive Coordinator of UNV, delivered a speech in the form of video, expressing gratitude to the China Youth Volunteers Association and other partners, and praising the China Youth Volunteers Association's strong support for the advocacy and promotion of volunteerism in China and the world. Ms. Zhang Nan, Director of the China Office of UNV, expressed appreciation for the active involvement of Chinese young volunteers in serving United Nations agencies and carrying out international volunteer services of global significance, and looked forward to the volunteers continuing to show the aspirations of Chinese youth on the international stage.

Xiong Jian, Deputy Director of Youth Volunteer Action Guidance Center of the Youth League Central Committee, delivers a video speech

Xiong Jian, Deputy Director of the Youth Volunteer Action Guidance Center of the Central Youth League, attended the meeting in the form of video and delivered a speech on behalf of the Youth Volunteer Action Guidance Center of the Central Youth League and the Secretariat of China Youth Volunteer Association, the sponsor of the project. He said that participating in international volunteer services and international organizations through cooperation projects has not only promoted Chinese young volunteers to know the world on the spot and cultivate an international vision, but also promoted Chinese youth to participate in global affairs and make a Chinese voice. The United Nations Volunteer Program will push outstanding Chinese young volunteers to a larger international stage, and will cultivate a team of young talents who understand the Party's and the country's policies, have both Chinese feelings and international perspectives, are good at multicultural understanding and communication, and are good at seizing opportunities and striving for initiative in international affairs cooperation and competition.

He stressed that General Secretary Xi Jinping once encouraged young volunteers to "actively spread Chinese culture, tell Chinese stories, and create the most beautiful 'Chinese card' with youth passion". He looked forward to the young volunteers who will take up their posts this time to become Chinese volunteers with "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance, and progress" engraved on them in the future service period A business card that shines with Chinese youth and is full of Chinese stories.

It is understood that the 24 volunteers selected this time for the "Overseas Service Plan of Chinese Youth Volunteers - Service for United Nations Agencies Project" (the second batch) had previously received intensive training at Shanghai Foreign Studies University. After the ceremony, they will go to 14 United Nations agencies around the world to carry out volunteer services for six months.

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong