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Sun Wei, a young Chinese volunteer, led the Lao national men's basketball team to achieve great results


2017-09-05 16:52:00   Source: Chinese young volunteers    Author: Li Yanlong

On August 29, Sun Wei, a Chinese youth volunteer to Laos, a basketball teacher from Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, and the head coach of the Lao national men's basketball team, led the Lao team to successfully complete the participation task of the ASEAN Games, and returned to Vientiane, Laos with the team.

At the ASEAN Games, Sun Wei coached the Lao national men's basketball team to defeat the Myanmar national men's basketball team, which not only achieved the first victory of the Lao national men's basketball team in the history of the ASEAN Games, but also made the Lao national team enter the top eight of the ASEAN men's basketball team for the first time, and the ranking of the International Basketball Association also rose accordingly.

It is reported that with the care and support of the Central Committee of the Chinese Youth League, the Chinese Embassy in Laos, the Municipal Party Committee of the Shanghai Youth League and the Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, Sun Wei, a young Chinese volunteer to Laos, was invited to serve as the head coach of the Lao national men's basketball team in July this year. Limited by the level of local economic and social development, Laos basketball is in the development stage of "amateur and public welfare". As a member of Chinese youth volunteers, Sun Wei regards helping the development of Laos basketball as a public welfare undertaking for Chinese basketball workers to participate in the construction of the "Belt and Road" and promote the friendship between the people of China and Laos. He does not receive any remuneration, insists on selfless dedication, and has made positive contributions to promoting China Laos basketball cooperation and enhancing the friendship between the two peoples.

Sun Wei is not only an excellent basketball coach, but also the "big brother" of the Laos Youth Volunteer Service Team. Sun Wei, the oldest in the team and experienced in the army, became a "security officer" in the volunteer camp. Since the Lao national team members are all part-time and have their own daily work during the day, they can only participate in the training before going to work in the morning and after work at night, so Sun Wei becomes the first person to go out and the last person to go home. Every time the door is unlocked and locked, Sun Wei has become a faithful record of hard training, conscientiousness and responsibility.

Sun Wei is not fighting alone. Behind him is the full support of all members of the Chinese young volunteers' service team to Laos. The supporting support personnel of the Lao national men's basketball team are in short supply. In addition to doing their own work, the volunteers in Laos temporarily "guest acted" as the team doctor and liaison, actively assisted the national team in training, and demonstrated the good image of Chinese young volunteers.

Not only Sun Wei, but also every member of the Chinese young volunteers' service team to Laos can overcome various difficulties in work and life with optimism and cheerfulness, and do a good job in volunteer service. Since going to Laos in mid April, under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and under the guidance of the Municipal Committee of the Shanghai Communist Youth League, Chinese young volunteers have gone to Laos to study and implement the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum IT technology and other aspects have done a lot of work for Laos, and organized activities such as the "May 4th" Youth Day to review the Youth League oath, the "Belt and Road" publicity, and the "Taking the Party Flag to Aid Foreign Countries", which demonstrated the good image of Chinese youth volunteers and contributed to the friendship between China and Laos.

Liu Yong and Ren Kaiyue taught Chinese at the Professional Skills Training Center of the Central Committee of the Lao Youth League. The trainees are mainly young cadres from the Lao Party and government departments. This Chinese course has been included in the training of young cadres in Laos. Since the school started in May, by the end of August, Liu Yong and Ren Hyatt had taught 384 class hours to Lao students, and the total number of Lao students participating in the courses had reached 7680.

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