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The Cambodian aid service team returned home with honor and delivered the Chinese voice with dedication


2017-07-25 09:13:00   Source: Shaanxi Youth Volunteer Association    Author: Li Yanlong

On July 23, the first batch of China (Shaanxi) Youth Volunteer Service Teams for Cambodia successfully completed their one-year volunteer service and returned home with honor. The Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Provincial Youth Volunteer Association held a brief welcoming ceremony at Xi'an Xianyang International Airport, and then held a forum on the return of Cambodian volunteers.

Five volunteers served in the Cambodian Chinese Culture Center, which was the first pilot organization set up by the Ministry of Commerce overseas to jointly spread Chinese culture between the government and the people. It taught Chinese, painting, piano, table tennis and martial arts courses to more than 300 Cambodian students in grades 1-4, with a total teaching time of more than 4000 hours. During their stay in Cambodia, the volunteers fully carried forward the good quality of selfless dedication, worked conscientiously and steadfastly in their respective posts, and extensively participated in various activities organized by Cambodian government departments, embassies in Cambodia and local Chinese communities. In their spare time, they visited Phnom Penh's local primary and secondary schools, youth groups, village houses, etc., learned about the living conditions and education level of local residents, and combined their experience with classroom teaching to teach students in accordance with their aptitude and innovate the teaching model. The outstanding performance of volunteers has been highly praised by Cambodian government departments and embassies in Cambodia, which has opened up a new way of foreign aid volunteer service, and become an indispensable part of telling Chinese stories, transmitting Chinese voice, playing China's role, and spreading Chinese love. The dedication of volunteers has constituted a beautiful landscape for Shaanxi youth in Cambodia.

In addition, volunteers also actively participated in more than 20 thematic activities of local Chinese associations, 40 class hours of Mandarin training for local Chinese teachers, 10 sports friendly table tennis matches with local people, and 8 celebrations of the Embassy. Xiong Bo, the master of the Embassy in Cambodia, praised the Chinese young volunteers as "ambassadors of friendship" to promote exchanges between China and Cambodia, and the local Chinese praised the volunteers as a window for overseas compatriots to understand Chinese contemporary youth. Especially in October 2016, when the General Secretary paid a state visit to Cambodia, you actively participated in the high-level visit and earnestly completed various tasks. The Embassy in Cambodia sent a letter to express sincere gratitude for your excellent service. People's Daily, China Youth Daily, Xinhua News Agency Asia Pacific Express and other paper media, as well as Cambodian local Chinese media, gave comprehensive reports to Cambodian volunteers.

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