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The seventh batch of Guangzhou Volunteer Team for Sierra Leone Assistance attended the Dragon Boat Festival reception held by the Embassy in Seychelles


2017-06-02 10:22:00   Source: WeChat public account of the seventh batch of Sierra Leone aid service team    Author: Li Yanlong

On May 29, 2017, on the eve of the traditional Chinese festival of Dragon Boat Festival, the Embassy in Seychelles held a reception at Eden bleu Hotel, Mahe Island, Seychelles, for overseas Chinese and Counselor Guo Zhenguang, who were appointed to the office for the 2017 Dragon Boat Festival. All staff of the Embassy in Seychelles, Chinese funded institutions, Confucius Institute, Shandong Medical Assistance Team to Sierra Leone, Guangzhou Volunteer Team to Sierra Leone, etc. attended the reception. At the meeting, Tan Zhouchun, the leader of the seventh batch of Guangzhou Volunteer Service Team for Assistance to Seychelles, made a speech on behalf of the delegation and introduced the situation and achievements of the Youth Volunteer Program for Assistance to Seychelles.


The full text of the speech is as follows:

First of all, I would like to thank the Embassy for its concern and kind invitation to our volunteer team.

The Seychelles Project is one of the more mature projects in the Overseas Service Plan for Chinese Youth sponsored by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Ministry of Commerce. Since 2007, 96 volunteers have been sent in 7 batches, of which Guangzhou has undertaken 5 batches and sent 68 volunteers. It fully demonstrates the good style and features of Guangzhou youth in the new era, and plays an important role in enhancing Guangzhou's international popularity and promoting China Serbia friendship. In September 2016, Guangzhou again sent the seventh batch of 13 volunteers to Seychelles to provide volunteer services. 9 physicians (including 3 physicians, 1 pediatrician, 1 ophthalmologist, 3 community physicians, and 1 acupuncturist); 2 engineers (including 1 power engineer and 1 network engineer); One music teacher; One gymnastics coach.

As time goes by, without knowing it, more than half of the one-year volunteer service for Sierra Leone assistance has passed. The volunteer service team has made sincere contributions in their respective posts, loved their jobs and dedicated themselves to their work, and fulfilled their mission with action. Through voluntary service, I broadened my vision, appreciated different cultures and gained a lot of insight. "The friendship between countries lies in people's affinity, and people's affinity lies in heart to heart connection". In the future, we will continue to carry out volunteer service work in a down-to-earth manner with full spirit and high-quality service level, and continue to spread the volunteer service spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance, and progress" to this beautiful island. Add color to Guangzhou and win honor for the motherland.

Thank you, and wish the Dragon Boat Festival a healthy!

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