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Shaanxi Aid to Cambodia Volunteers Celebrate the New Year with Growth and Harvest


2017-02-06 09:25:00   Source: Zhixun News Agency    Author: Li Yanlong

In 2015, Shaanxi independently undertook the Cambodia Assistance Project of the Overseas Service Plan for Chinese Young Volunteers for the first time. On July 31, 2016, volunteers officially went to Cambodia to carry out one-year volunteer service work. All of them are college students, ranging from 19 years old to 24 years old, becoming the youngest team since the implementation of the overseas service plan. On the occasion of Dingyou New Year, these foreign aid volunteers celebrated the New Year and wished the motherland with their own growth and harvest.

It seems to answer the sentence: where there is pursuit, there is growth; Where the flower of love blooms, it is always summer.

Through the small window, they talked about the great life of foreign aid. They simply restored the life of a real young Chinese volunteer living abroad.

   Table Tennis Angel

Jiang Hui received a group of young apprentices and made many famous players with top skills in Phnom Penh.

   Kung Fu Brother

Rong Zubang, as a man of virtue, was sought after by Cambodian Chinese at various festivals and parties.

   Play and sing "Guan Qing"

Guan Qing believes that music can bring children the enjoyment of beauty, and also can convey the power of love to them. She sees hope when she is depressed, and is more elated when she is happy.

   Painting teacher who doesn't want to be a landscape designer is not a good volunteer

As a graduate student majoring in landscape design, Cao Xunchang, in addition to serving as a painting teacher, also worked as a father and mother in the Cambodian aid service team, striving for the achievements of the whole team.

In the New Year of Ding You, volunteers in Cambodia sent their blessings to the motherland, their families, and all those who have followed and supported them for half a year. Thank you!

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