Issue 16, 2015: Speech by the Project Offices of Hainan, Sichuan and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps at the Western Planning Teleconference


2015-11-24 10:48:00   Source: China Youth Network    Author: Li Yanlong


College Students Volunteer Service in the Western Region




two thousand and fifteen Issue 16

National College Student Volunteer Service



Western Planning Project Management Office

two thousand and fifteen Year 11 Month 24 day

Editor's note: In the afternoon of November 19, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security jointly held a teleconference on the Western Plan, implemented the Opinions on Further Strengthening College Students' Volunteer Service for the Western Plan, and arranged and deployed the adjustment of the implementation mode of the Western Plan. The project offices of Hainan, Sichuan and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps made exchange speeches. The exchange speeches of all units are now compiled and distributed.

Hainan Project Office's Plan of Volunteer Service for College Students in the West
Speech at videoconference

With the warm care of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the member units of the National Project Leading Group of the Western Plan, and the strong support of the member units of the Hainan Project Leading Group, Hainan has started to recruit and receive volunteers for national projects since 2003. In the past 12 years, centering on the central work of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, our province has also successively implemented local projects such as the Central Education Support Plan, the Special Action for Grassroots Youth Work, and the Special Volunteer Action for Serving the International Tourism Island, which are collectively referred to as the Plan for College Students Volunteer Service in the Midwest of Hainan Province, with a total of 2970 college graduates recruited, Services were carried out in 130 townships and 345 service units in 18 cities and counties of Hainan Province, realizing the full coverage of service units in cities and counties, cultivating a large number of comprehensive young talents who "understand the national conditions, emphasize dedication, and have high quality", which has become an important measure for the Communist Youth League of Hainan Province to promote the coordinated development of regional society and economy.

In the process of specific promotion, in order to improve the treatment of the vast number of volunteers and improve their work enthusiasm and initiative, in consideration of retaining people with treatment, feelings and work, our province purchased social security for all volunteers in the Midwest Plan of Hainan Province in 2012. In terms of purchase mode, the social insurance expenses of the volunteers of the Midwest Plan in Hainan Province are paid by the full amount of the provincial finance, which is handled by the provincial Communist Youth League Committee for the on duty volunteers, and they participate in five social insurances. In terms of insurance standards, it is mainly divided into four contents: first, insurance types. The insurance programs for on job volunteers include medical insurance, maternity insurance, work-related injury insurance, old-age insurance and unemployment insurance. The second is the payment base. According to the minimum payment base of social insurance in Hainan Province in the current month, the social insurance endowment base of central and western planned volunteers is 1897.2 (4216 * 45%), and the base of basic medical, work-related injury, maternity and unemployment insurance is 2529.6 (4216 * 60%). The third is the social insurance rate. Volunteers are insured in the accounts of the Communist Youth League Provincial Committee and belong to the type of insured units of social groups. Therefore, according to the Industrial Risk Classification Table of Industrial Injury Insurance issued by Hainan Social Security Bureau, the benchmark rate of industrial injury insurance is 0.2%; The pension, unemployment and medical insurance rates are 20%, 1% and 8%. The fourth is the number of insured persons and budget expenses. The insured are on-the-job volunteers of the Midwest Plan. In 2015, there were 530 full on-the-job volunteers, and the social insurance budget cost was about 5 million yuan. We have implemented the insurance work of volunteers in the Midwest Plan to provide better treatment and help for volunteers, so that college volunteers who have just entered the society can feel the care and warmth of the organization and adapt to the working and living environment of new places and new posts. Due to the strong guarantee, the number of college graduates who have applied for the Midwest Plan has increased year by year in recent years. It is planned to recruit 100 people in 2010, with more than 600 applicants; It is planned to recruit 187 people in 2015, with more than 6000 applicants.

While doing a good job of volunteers' social insurance participation, we focus on improving the four mechanisms, strive to achieve four improvements, and solidly promote the Midwest Plan project to achieve good results. First, improve the organization and leadership mechanism and improve the scientific level of project implementation. The leading groups at the provincial level, school level, service city and county level and their project offices perform their respective duties and jointly manage, providing organizational guarantee for the good operation of the project. The second is to focus on improving the management and service mechanism and improving the standardized level of project implementation. A series of normative measures have been formulated in terms of volunteer information management, safety and health management, emergency disposal, assessment and evaluation, and systems such as daily management, work notification, recruitment and mobilization, centralized training, and dispatching on demand have been established and improved. Activities such as forum, fellowship, and condolence have been carried out irregularly to increase communication and understanding among volunteers and keep abreast of volunteers' ideological trends, Enhance team spirit and sense of organizational belonging. Third, improve the recruitment and publicity mechanism and improve the branding level of project implementation. Grasp the key links such as time nodes, organizational support, forms and contents, do a good job in publicity, mobilization, recruitment and selection, target key groups, highlight the mobilization focus, consolidate the foundation of project implementation, and enhance the social influence of the project. Fourth, improve the policy guarantee mechanism and improve the long-term level of project implementation. The cities and counties in each service area actively strive for the support of relevant departments, issue relevant preferential policies, and encourage outstanding young talents to stay at the grass-roots level and serve the grass-roots level. Some cities and counties provide volunteer teachers with performance pay equal to that of regular teachers; Lingshui, Qiongzhong, Wanning and other cities and counties have allocated a certain proportion of posts in the recruitment of public institutions, and recruited staff from volunteers who have completed their service by means of written examination, interview and assessment; Lingshui County Project Office has taken measures such as building a "volunteer home" and subsidizing volunteers to have meals in the canteen of the government office to provide policy support for volunteers in terms of posts, benefits, employment, etc.

The implementation of the project in our province has achieved some results, but there is still a certain gap compared with the work requirements of the Youth League Central Committee and the successful practices of brother provinces and cities. Next, we will continue to learn from the advanced experience of brother provinces, continue to establish and improve the working mechanism, continue to cooperate with relevant units to explore policy guarantee measures, and give full play to the positive role of the Midwest Plan, To help the construction of Hainan International Tourism Island, make it an effective driving force for the economic and social development of cities and counties in the central and western regions of our province, and become an important way to cultivate young talents at the grass-roots level.

My exchange speech is over. Thank you!

>Extended Reading