Issue 6, 2015: Speech of three ministries and commissions including human resources at the 2015 Western Plan Video Conference


2015-04-20 17:00:00   Source: China Youth Network    Author: Li Yanlong


College Students Volunteer Service in the Western Region




two thousand and fifteen Issue 6

National College Student Volunteer Service



Western Planning Project Management Office

two thousand and fifteen year four Month 28 day

Editor's note: On the morning of April 14, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security jointly held a video conference to officially launch the 2015 college students' volunteer service plan for the west. Comrades from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other ministries and commissions attended the meeting and made speeches, which are now being compiled and distributed.

Speech by Wang Keliang, Director of the Department of Human Resources and Marketing, at the 2015 Western Plan Video Conference

It is a great pleasure to attend the video conference of the 2015 Western Plan for College Students' Volunteer Service jointly held by four ministries and commissions today. In 2014, the overall implementation scale of the Western Plan was 18300 people, an increase of 1000 people over 2013, increased support for Xinjiang, Tibet and other ethnic areas, established the WeChat public platform of "Western Volunteer Gathering", carried out a series of publicity and propaganda activities, and achieved good results.

The Human Resources and Social Security Department is a member unit of the joint meeting of the Western Plan, and it is an important responsibility of the Human Resources and Social Security Department to jointly do a good job in the Western Plan. All localities should give full play to their functional advantages, actively participate in and actively cooperate with the Youth League committees at all levels and the Western Planning Project Office to do a good job in related work.

First, cooperate in the organization and implementation of recruitment and training. The Human Resources and Social Security Department shall, according to the work needs, participate in the western plan recruitment, pre job training and other work, focus on the publicity and interpretation of relevant policies and measures, strengthen the care and care for volunteers, and form a joint force in work.

Second, actively cooperate in the improvement of policies and measures. As the leading department for the overall implementation of grass-roots service projects, the human resources and social security department should actively participate in the improvement and implementation of the Western Plan's work and life subsidies, social insurance and other policies, and put forward relevant opinions and suggestions to promote the continuous enrichment and improvement of the Western Plan's policies and measures.

Third, actively assist in the work of employment mobility upon expiration. In order to promote the employment of people whose service projects at the grass-roots level have expired, in recent years, the state and local governments have formulated and issued a series of supportive policies, including targeted examination for civil servants, priority recruitment for public institutions, and extra points for further education. The local human resources and social security departments should cooperate with the relevant departments to earnestly implement the policies and promote the employment and entrepreneurship of college student volunteers who have completed their service. For those who cannot be identified for the time being, they should be incorporated into the public employment and talent service system at all levels in a timely manner, provide targeted services such as vocational guidance, employment and entrepreneurship training, implement preferential policies for employment and entrepreneurship, and strive to help those who are willing to work and entrepreneurship to achieve employment and entrepreneurship as soon as possible.

Fourth, strengthen overall planning and promote the implementation of the reform tasks entrusted to us by the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee. Encouraging and guiding college graduates to work at the rural grass-roots level is a major strategic deployment made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed to improve the service guarantee mechanism to encourage college graduates to work at the grass-roots level, and increase the proportion of targeted recruitment of civil servants and priority recruitment of public institutions. General Secretary Xi Jinping has personally replied letters to representatives of the western volunteer education graduate group of Hebei Baoding University, Zhang Guangxiu, a college student village official, and the "Ben Yu Volunteer Service Team" of Huazhong Agricultural University, giving important instructions on guiding graduates to work and serve in the central and western regions and rural grassroots. We should conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, further clarify the work orientation and requirements of grass-roots service projects, enhance the sense of responsibility and mission, further strengthen the overall implementation of grass-roots service projects, improve the communication and exchange mechanism, do a good job in coordinating and balancing relevant safeguard measures, and strive to expand employment channels after service expiration, To promote the healthy and coordinated development of existing projects, we should actively explore and innovate, constantly summarize experience in practice, and constantly improve the service guarantee mechanism that guides graduates to work at the grass-roots level.

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