2015 Issue 5: Speech by Comrade Wang Hongyan at the 2015 Western Plan Video Conference


2015-04-20 17:00:00   Source: China Youth Network    Author: Li Yanlong


College Students Volunteer Service in the Western Region




two thousand and fifteen The five stage

National College Student Volunteer Service



Western Planning Project Management Office

two thousand and fifteen year four month sixteen day

Editor's note: On the morning of April 14, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security jointly held a video conference to officially launch the 2015 college students' volunteer service plan for the west. Wang Hongyan, Secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Youth League, and relevant responsible comrades of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other ministries and commissions attended the meeting and made speeches. Henan, Guangxi Project Offices, Leshan Normal University, and the Youth League Committee of Tsinghua University made exchange speeches. The speech of Secretary Wang Hongyan, the speech of the comrades in charge of the three ministries and commissions, and the exchange speech of various units are compiled and distributed in three phases.

Comrade Wang Hongyan's Plan of Volunteer Service for College Students in Western China in 2015
Speech at video conference
(April 14, 2015)

Today, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security jointly held a video conference to deploy the 2015 Western Plan. With today's meeting as the symbol, the annual work of the Western Plan will be carried out in an all-round way.

In 2014, the Western Plan focused on the overall situation of the Party and the state, combined with the actual needs of the grass-roots units in the western region, conscientiously implemented the central deployment requirements and a series of instructions from the central leadership, and achieved new results. First, the recruitment task was successfully completed, focusing on special projects in Tibet and Xinjiang. 19300 young volunteers were recruited and dispatched throughout the year (including 1000 recruited by the National Project Office and supported by local finance in Tibet); The implementation fields cover seven special projects, including basic education, agricultural science and technology, medical and health care, grassroots social management, grassroots youth work, serving Xinjiang, and serving Tibet, of which 1826 are recruited and dispatched by the graduate school teaching group; In order to implement the work spirit of the central government in aiding Tibet and Xinjiang, all new indicators were put into Tibet and Xinjiang throughout the year. The number of on duty volunteers in Tibet reached 2000, more than the total number of past years. The number of on duty volunteers in Xinjiang reached 4050, and the number of volunteers in national minority areas, including Tibet and Xinjiang, reached 8793. Support for western regions and ethnic minority areas was further consolidated and strengthened; In 2014, extensive recruitment and mobilization work was carried out for college graduates. A total of nearly 70000 fresh college graduates from more than 1800 colleges and universities signed up. Among the newly recruited volunteers, 72% had bachelor's degrees, and 25% were CPC members. Second, focus on health and safety education and contact services to improve the daily management level. Sign a letter of responsibility for health and safety management at all levels to clarify responsibilities; Organize the annual performance appraisal of colleges and universities and service county project offices from 2013 to 2014, and 205 colleges and universities project offices and 117 service county project offices have achieved excellent annual performance appraisal; Strengthen education and carry out targeted pre job safety and insurance knowledge training; The official WeChat official account "Western Volunteer Collection" was launched, with 18000 users covering the vast majority of on duty volunteers, which unblocked the direct contact between the National Project Office and the county-level project offices, and provided effective consulting services; Training courses were held for key personnel of project offices and leaders of graduate education branches in various regions, strengthening the construction of the western planning team and the backbone team of volunteers; Through telephone spot check and field investigation, we carried out large visit and troubleshooting activities to improve the health and safety management ability of front-line units. Third, adhere to and improve the fund use system, and play a good role in ensuring service. It is the first time to buy comprehensive insurance for volunteers through public bidding, greatly improving the compensation standard, and adding 8 service projects such as medical return, which are generally and sincerely welcomed by volunteers; In the daily management and use of funds, the living and transportation subsidies shall be paid in full and in time in strict accordance with the fund application and allocation procedures and systems; Performance appraisal was carried out to strengthen the supervision and management of financial funds, which further improved the efficiency of use and promoted the matching of local financial resources.

Over the past 12 years since the implementation of the Western Plan, it has been highly recognized by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, strongly supported by central ministries and commissions such as education, finance, human resources and social security, and local Party committees and governments at all levels, and widely recognized by college graduates and praised by all sectors of society. Over the past 12 years, more than 140000 college graduates have been sent to 22 provinces (districts, cities) in the central and western regions of China and more than 2100 counties of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps to provide voluntary services; Totally, nearly ten thousand graduate volunteer teaching groups have been sent; 23 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) have implemented local projects with reference to the national project of the Western Plan, and have selected more than 40000 young volunteers in total; A large number of volunteers choose to take root in the west, grass-roots, ethnic minority areas and hard areas after their service expires; Over the past 12 years, the project has formed a set of good management mechanism and working mode, and has become a brand project for the Communist Youth League and the Youth Volunteer Association at all levels to focus on the center and serve the overall situation, undertake government functions, serve the west and guide the youth.

The achievements of the Western Plan are the result of the cordial care of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the close cooperation of relevant ministries and commissions of the Central Committee, and the concern of Party committees and governments at all levels. They are the result of the strong support of all sectors of society and the hard work of project office comrades at all levels. They are also the embodiment of the volunteer spirit of young volunteers. On this occasion, on behalf of the Central Committee and the National Project Office, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the Party committees, governments, relevant departments and all sectors of society at all levels for their concern and support for the work of the Communist Youth League and the development of the Western Plan! I would like to extend my cordial greetings to the comrades of the Youth League organizations at all levels throughout the country and the project offices at all levels of the Western Plan! I would like to pay high tribute to all the college volunteers who participated in the Western Plan!

At the same time, we should also be soberly aware that facing the new situation and the new requirements of comprehensively deepening reform, the western planning work also faces some difficulties and problems that need to be solved. First, the characteristics of work cycle, node and transaction have caused some project offices to feel slack and tired over the years. They are poorly prepared and in a hurry in recruitment, mobilization, post docking and other work links. A large number of coordination and promotion efforts have not been repeated and repeated persistently. Some safeguard measures and daily management systems have not been implemented in detail one by one. Second, compared with other similar projects, the Western Plan still has a big gap in policy guarantee. Third, with the expansion of the implementation scale, especially the expansion of special projects in Tibet and Xinjiang, the safety work of volunteers has been facing greater pressure, and there are still loopholes in the management of safety and health education.

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