Issue 2, 2015: Volunteers' Experience in Visiting Japan


2015-01-06 10:53:00   Source: China Youth Network    Author: Li Yanlong


College Students Volunteer Service in the Western Region


simple    newspaper



two thousand and fifteen The two stage


National College Student Volunteer Service



Western Planning Project Management Office

two thousand and fifteen year one month four day


   Editor's note: The Chronicles Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League has actively striven for policy support, and selected five outstanding volunteers (Fan Junlun, Sheng Xiaojing, Ren Hang, Guo Yutao, An Yueqi) from the college students' volunteer service plan for the west, the youth volunteers' "Sunshine Action", the Communist Youth League's "Care for the children of migrant workers", the "Benyu Volunteer Service Team" and the Yunnan Ludian earthquake relief volunteer team Participate in the visiting delegation. The following are the feelings and thoughts of the five volunteers after their visit to Japan, which can be used for reference by local people and volunteers.


Experience of Volunteers Visiting Japan


At the invitation of the Japan International Cooperation Center and upon the recommendation of the Ministry of Philanthropy of the Central Committee of the delegation, five of our volunteer representatives joined the Chinese volunteer delegation sent by the China Japan Friendship Association and visited Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto, Tokyo and other places in Japan from November 9 to 14.

During the day, we mainly visited Asahi Brewery Chueda Factory, Nishimiya Social Welfare Agreement, People and Disaster Prevention Future Center, Hyogo Psychological Diagnosis and Treatment Center and Kobe Overseas Disaster Assistance Citizen Center (CODE), learned about Japan's volunteer service on the spot, and had in-depth exchanges with Japanese volunteers. We benefited a lot from the five-day study tour.

1、 "One glass of wine" enterprise volunteer service. Asahi Brewery Chueda Factory advocates that each employee should donate a salary worth one glass of beer every month and set up a special voluntary service fund for voluntary services. "A few yuan a month is almost negligible to us, but it allows the sense of volunteerism to penetrate into the hearts of every employee, and the accumulated funds can also provide many people in need with charcoal in the snow." We can also learn from this practice. Some volunteer service organizations in our country can support the development of volunteer work by absorbing social funds, And through our efforts and actions, we can influence more social resources to join the volunteer cause. We agree that this is a very interesting action and initiative.

2、 Volunteer service points incentive system. In recent years, our country has realized standardized volunteer service management such as volunteer registration and service duration registration. In Asahi Brewery Chueda Factory, there is a similar standardized management method, and they adopt the point system. Each employee participating in volunteer service will be scored and registered according to the type and duration of volunteer service, and will be given corresponding rewards at the end of the year. It has become a common consensus and method to realize a standardized registration system and carry out volunteer service more effectively and normally.

3、 Neighborhood mutual aid volunteer service mainly based on housewives. In China, young college students are the main force of our voluntary service, while in Japan, voluntary service is mainly carried out by housewives in the community in the form of neighborhood mutual assistance, especially in the emergency rescue of natural disasters. The rescue work mainly depends on neighborhood mutual assistance. According to a statistics of the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake in Japan, a large proportion of the wounded rescued after the earthquake were saved by neighbors within ten minutes after the earthquake. In today's aging population, we should better care for the empty nest elderly and the left behind elderly. The form of volunteer service of neighborhood mutual assistance may be worth our trying.

4、 "Safe bucket" for empty nest elderly. The idea of "safe bucket" was originally designed by medical volunteers. Families with elderly people were encouraged to prepare a "safe bucket", in which the elderly's "health records" and family contact cards were placed. Families using the safe bucket should place it in a fixed position (such as a refrigerator), and attach a sign on the back of the door to indicate the safe bucket. In case of an emergency, Volunteers can contact the family members of the elderly in time, and rescue workers can also carry out effective rescue in time. This "safe bucket" is simple and easy to use, which can be used for reference when carrying out volunteer services for empty nest elderly.

5、 Use "study voucher" to realize donation for students. Now, whether the funds for donating to schools are all used for children, and how to effectively use the student aid fund has always been a problem for us. JICE Group of Japan has proposed a good solution, that is, they do not give cash to children, but provide learning vouchers for fixed stationery stores, fixed bookstores and learning tutoring classes. Children can only use these learning vouchers in places related to learning. At the same time, donation institutions can also learn when and where poor students have used them through the information system, which solves the problem of "money must be spent on students". We think this is also a good idea for the rationalization and institutionalization of voluntary services.

In a word, there are many feelings and gains in the short exchange and learning in Japan. In the future, we will also apply what we have seen and learned to our own volunteer service, and take volunteering as our lifelong career.

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