Issue 7, 2014: Speech by Comrade Wang Hongyan at the 2014 Mobilization Conference for the Special Expedition to Tibet of the Western Plan


2014-05-26 17:48:00   Source: China Youth Network    Author: Li Yanlong


College Students Volunteer Service in the Western Region    




two thousand and fourteen Issue 7

National College Student Volunteer Service



Western Planning Project Management Office

two thousand and fourteen year eight month one day

Speech by Comrade Wang Hongyan at the 2014 Mobilization Conference for the Special Expedition to Tibet of the Western Plan

Today, we are holding a mobilization meeting for the special expedition to Tibet of the Western Plan at the beautiful Tibet University. First of all, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, I would like to extend a warm welcome and congratulations to the volunteer friends who are going to various places to provide services! Welcome to join the Western Plan. Congratulations on becoming a glorious young volunteer! And through you, I would like to express my cordial greetings and high respect to all the volunteers who are serving and have taken root in Tibet! I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the party and government leaders of the autonomous region who have long cared about and supported the Western Plan and the work of the Communist Youth League!

The mysterious Tibet is an important part of the great motherland, and the development of Tibet has always been closely linked to the development of the motherland. It is the common aspiration of the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups to build the magnificent and vast snow covered plateau into a more beautiful, rich, stable and peaceful place. For more than 60 years, the ancient Qinghai Tibet Plateau has undergone historic changes that have not occurred in a thousand years, and has achieved a historic leap in social system and economic and social development. After the reform and opening up, the Central Committee has held five symposiums on Tibet work to study Tibet issues, formulate policies to aid Tibet, and promote the development of Tibet. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Central Government's assistance to Tibet. We believe that Tibet will usher in a new round of great development and leap forward. This is the right time for you to take part in the construction of Tibet. I believe you will find a broad stage to display your talents here, and you will be able to make contributions and grow up in serving the development of new Tibet.

General Secretary Xi Jinping once pointed out that China's youth volunteer cause is a major initiative of the Communist Youth League led by our party to innovate the work field and serve the social needs under the new historical conditions. Since December last year, General Secretary Xi Jinping has replied to the youth volunteer group three times, highly praised the young volunteers' spirit of raising their ideals and being willing to contribute, fully recognized their achievements in serving the people and contributing to the society, and fully recognized GuangDaQing's participation in volunteer services, They put forward ardent expectations for making new contributions to the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The reply of the General Secretary fully reflects the cordial care of the CPC Central Committee for young volunteers, and also points out the direction for us to further do a good job in volunteer service. Since the implementation of the Western Plan in 2003, 160000 college student volunteers have successively gone to the grass-roots level in the western region to carry out various services such as supporting education, agriculture, medicine and social management at the grass-roots level, which has sung the contemporary strong voice of "going to the west, to the grass-roots level, and to the place where the motherland needs most" in the whole society, in order to implement the national strategy of western development and the talent power strategy It has made important contributions to promoting the economic and social development of the grassroots in western China. The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League attached great importance to the implementation of the Western Plan. Comrade Qin Yizhi, the first secretary of the Secretariat, gave instructions on doing a good job in serving Tibet, and the Ministry of Finance and other relevant ministries and commissions also gave strong support. This year, the implementation scale of the Tibet special project expanded to 2000 people. In the early stage, the Youth League committees and project offices of 27 provinces (districts and cities) in China worked closely with the Tibetan Youth League committees and project offices through special recruitment promotion meetings, online video conferences, and organizing propaganda groups. The recruitment and selection of volunteers were successfully completed, ensuring the smooth implementation of the Tibet special project. Today, the baton of service and dedication to Tibet has been handed to you, and the beautiful future of Tibet is waiting for you to explore, struggle and struggle. On the occasion of my departure, I would like to raise some hopes and encourage you all.

First, I hope you will devote your youth and wisdom to volunteer service. You have participated in the construction of Tibet in the form of voluntary service, which has added new strength and fresh blood to the work of assisting Tibet. The Tibetan people have high hopes for you. I hope that you will stand at the height of national strategy and fully understand the special importance of Tibet assistance, remember the sacred mission, shoulder the glorious responsibility, hold high the banner of young volunteers, do everything carefully and well with full enthusiasm, a high sense of responsibility and loyalty to the cause, enhance simple feelings with the Tibetan people in specific services, and make more contributions to the people in a down-to-earth manner. I believe that no matter where you go and what you do in the future, your passionate years and youth stories in Tibet will become unforgettable memories and lifelong wealth.

Second, we hope that we can forge ahead in grass-roots practice. "Action is the beginning of knowledge, and knowledge is the accomplishment of action". Practice is always the inevitable way for everyone to grow and progress. Although the conditions in Tibet are difficult, the more difficult the environment is, the more people can be cultivated and shaped. The vast world of Tibet will become an important stage for you to show your style and talents. We hope that you will be diligent in learning, good at thinking, brave in innovation, determined to strive, learn from the grassroots and the masses, pay attention to the accumulation of knowledge and ability and the precipitation of life experience, constantly improve your personal cultivation and spiritual realm, constantly improve your will and character, self aware of integrating your personal ideals into the great Chinese dream, and improve yourself in dedication, We should grow our talents in practice and become a generation of young people with ideals, responsibilities and dedication.

Third, I hope you can advocate a new style of morality. In the important speech of the May 4th Movement, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that "the Tao cannot be talked about, and morality cannot be talked about", requiring young people to "strengthen moral cultivation and pay attention to moral practice". We should bear in mind the General Secretary's instructions, advocate new trends in the process of volunteer service, and let the flag of young volunteers fly high on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. At present, the whole country is deeply learning and practicing the core socialist values based on their posts. The choice of voluntary service and hard work in Tibet is to practice the core socialist values with practical actions. It is hoped that everyone will stick to their ideals, vigorously promote the voluntary spirit of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress", actively spread modern civilized ideas, try to infect more people around them to adhere to core values, drive more young people to devote themselves to volunteer services, and gather positive energy for promoting social harmony and progress.

Fourth, we hope that everyone will pay attention to personal safety and maintain physical and mental health. With an average altitude of more than 4000 meters in Tibet, we must take care of our health, pay attention to safety, maintain a peaceful, optimistic and positive attitude, avoid strenuous exercise and excessive fatigue in the short term, develop good habits of work and rest, and overcome altitude reactions as soon as possible. We should strengthen our sense of self-management, pay more attention to each other, help each other and cooperate with each other, and strive to form an excellent volunteer team with cohesion, combat effectiveness and friendship. We should take the initiative to understand the regional and people's conditions in Tibet, carefully study the national ethnic and religious policies, and actively safeguard national unity; We should respect the customs of all ethnic groups in Tibet, get familiar with the culture of the service place as soon as possible, and lay a solid foundation for good volunteer service.
League organizations at all levels in Tibet should have a deep understanding of the importance of implementing the Tibet special project under the new situation, regard the implementation of the Tibet special project as a major political test and ability test for league organizations at all levels and all league cadres, fully assume the daily management responsibility of the project office, report relevant work to the party and government leaders in a timely manner, and actively coordinate with relevant departments and employers to do a good job in management services. Special attention should be paid to the safety and health management of volunteers. Volunteers' safety responsibilities should be implemented at all levels, especially the first responsible person system. In case of safety responsibility accidents, they should be resolutely and seriously handled according to the regulations. Adhere to the principles of "who employs, who benefits, who is responsible" and "pay equal attention to training and use", protect, guide and give full play to the enthusiasm and work enthusiasm of volunteers, respect the willingness of volunteers, highlight humanistic management, provide necessary working and living conditions for volunteers to carry out services, and effectively help them solve practical difficulties, Strive to create a good service environment.

Here, I would like to thank again the Party and government departments of the Tibet Autonomous Region, such as the Organization Department of the Party Committee, the Propaganda Department, the District Human Resources and Social Security Department, the District Finance Department, the Education Department, and the Public Security Department, for introducing policies and measures and providing service guarantees for volunteer officers to start businesses.

Finally, I hope that volunteer friends can adapt to and integrate into local life as soon as possible, and write magnificent youth poems in this sacred land of Tibet with high morale and enthusiasm. I sincerely wish all the volunteers of the Western Plan good health, smooth work and happy life!

Thank you!

>Extended Reading