The research branch of the two universities launched a small class in Xinjiang Corps to promote Putonghua


2022-09-28 10:37:00   Source: China Youth Network   

   China Youth Network, Beijing, September 28 (Reporter Li Yanlong) In order to promote and standardize the use of the national common language, and improve the application ability of the common language of the students in Shuanghe Vocational and Technical School of the Fifth Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, recently, the volunteers of the 24th Postgraduate Education League of Hubei University of Technology and Wuhan University jointly carried out a small classroom activity to promote Zhou Guoxue.

   About the festival: "Mid Autumn Festival"

The first lesson: Yi Zongyu and Dou Jiaqi, members of the research group of Hubei University of Technology, brought a course with the theme of "Mid Autumn Festival" to the students of Class 21 Electromechanical Class 1. In the class, Dou Jiaqi explained the origin and customs of the Mid Autumn Festival and the ways of people in different regions to celebrate it. Later, Dou Jiaqi explained the ancient poem "Water Melody" to the students, bringing the feelings of missing relatives into the students' study time away from home.

   About History: "Emperor Hanwu"

In the second class, Qin Tian and Sun Liru, members of the research group of Wuhan University, brought a history course with the theme of "Great Talents and Great Strategies of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty" to the students of Grade 20 mechanical and electrical class.

The members of the research group led the students to understand the great achievements of the ancient emperor from many fields such as economy, politics, military, culture, etc. By reading story texts aloud in class, students' oral pronunciation is corrected, students' enthusiasm for learning common languages is improved, and students' interest in Chinese culture and national history is cultivated.

   About poetry: Qinyuan Spring · Snow

In the third class, Zeng Jialing and Mao Biyun, members of the research group of Wuhan University, shared the poem "Qinyuan Spring · Snow" with the students of Grade 21 livestock and poultry class. Through listening, speaking, speaking and practicing, we reviewed Ling Yun's ambition in poetry and corrected students' Chinese pronunciation.

The members of the research group start from the students' life, and promote the learning of the national common language through festival reasons, historical stories, traditional culture, diet and other life elements, so that language learning is not boring. Through reading, speaking and other links, it provides students with a method and platform to learn and practice speaking and writing standard characters in Putonghua.

In the future, the research group will continue to improve the cooperation mechanism, deepen the cooperation content, carry forward the excellent traditional culture and patriotism of the motherland, create a good cultural atmosphere and environment, and add a touch of youth to rural revitalization.

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong