When the Mid Autumn Festival meets the Teacher's Day Research Group


2022-09-16 09:48:00   Source: WeChat official account "Western Volunteer Exchange"   

It is the Mid Autumn Festival and also the Teachers' Day. The 24th Chinese Youth Volunteer Research Group volunteers spent these two important festivals as "volunteer teachers" in the service place for the first time.

How does it feel to celebrate the festival with children? Have you eaten the local mooncakes? How do they spend this special day in the service place? Let's have a look.

   When Mid Autumn Festival meets Teachers' Day

"The moon is round, the moon is round, and there are gods on the moon..."

This is the scene when the 24th Research Group of Anhui University of Technology carried out the theme activity of "holding the mid autumn moon and eulogizing the teacher's love" in Class 6, Grade 1 of Ziyang Locomotive Tianchi Hope Primary School.

At the activity site, some students told the story of "Chang'e Flying to the Moon"; Some students shared interesting stories about the Mid Autumn Festival; Some students perform finger dance. The whole class was immersed in the fun of learning the traditional culture of the Mid Autumn Festival.

After class, the children sent the greeting cards they made to Yao Jinfang, a volunteer of the research group. In the third grade class, Cao Ziyi, a volunteer of the research group, also received sincere wishes from the children.

She said, "In the west far away from my hometown, I received the Teacher's Day card for the first time, which is really surprising and warm. In the next year, I will sow this land with love and hope!"

"I hope people will live for a long time and share the beauty of the moon over thousands of miles", "The moon will shine on the sea and the horizon will be at this moment", "The silkworms in spring will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torches will not dry until they become ashes" In the seventh grade classroom of Nanta Ninth Year Compulsory Education School, a new Mid Autumn Festival poetry conference opened. With the research group volunteer Li Hanaoxin announcing the beginning of the flying order game, the students answered in an orderly manner by group.

The poems celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival and thanking teachers not only add a festive atmosphere to the festival, but also make students feel the infinite charm of traditional Chinese poetry.

At the end of the activity, the students surrounded the two volunteers, put the written notes into their hands, and wished them a happy Teacher's Day and Mid Autumn Festival!

Huang Jiaxiang, a volunteer of the research group, said, "Looking at the notes written by the children and listening to their holiday wishes, I felt their sincerity and enthusiasm. In the future, I will abide by the agreement of" never forget the original intention ", fulfill the responsibility of" moistening things with spring rain ", sink down to carry out teaching work seriously, and give a light and heat to the education cause in the west!"

At the relocation site in Fuchuan Yao Autonomous County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, volunteers of the 24th Research Group of Hubei University of Technology spent the festival with children.

"Handmade mooncakes are warm!" The children learned the methods and techniques of making handmade mooncakes in the explanation of Du Maoyuan, a volunteer.

After mixing, mixing, color mixing, water separation and other processes, various shapes of moon cakes are formed in a sound of laughter.

The children participating in the activity said: "This is the first time that I have made mooncakes by myself. It's warm and happy to be with everyone today!"

"Boys and girls, what are the characteristics of pomegranate in the teacher's hand?"

"The fruit of pomegranate is red, crystal clear and compact like a diamond."

"So we should all unite together like pomegranate seeds!"

Volunteer Lei Mingyu led the children to feel the connotation of national unity in the process of pomegranate peeling.

Under the guidance of the volunteer Song Yujiao, the children took out the paper cutting materials prepared in advance and concentrated on the operation.

"Teacher, look at our cutting!"

"I want to take it home and stick it on the window"

"Teacher, I want to give it to you. I wish you a happy Teacher's Day."


"My motherland and I cannot be separated for a moment. Wherever I go, a hymn will flow out..."

In the loud singing, the children waved the small red flag while singing, and the settlement became a red sea.

   "This is the best gift I have received for Teachers' Day"

The 24th Research Group of Jilin Agricultural University organized and planned the theme activity of "Songs of the Year, Children Honoring Teachers" at Longjia Primary School in Yuqing County.

In the "Teacher, I want to tell you" writing and painting competition, the students expressed their sincere feelings for the teacher through writing and painting; The children's paintings and words are simple, simple, sincere and warm. This is the best gift that volunteers have received on Teacher's Day!

"The podium is three feet long, and there is a piece of chalk; the blackboard is one piece, and the voice is harsh; the slightest care is consistent." The student representative who made a speech on the platform expressed the voice of all students.

This is the first Teacher's Day that the 24th Research Group volunteers spent. Volunteers and local teachers held interesting games on the playground. According to the characteristics of their own groups, everyone should choose team names, like slogans, and draw team flags. With the progress of games such as "draw and guess", "minefield" and "circle answer", everyone worked together to enhance understanding, cultivate tacit understanding and enhance emotion in the sound of laughter and cheering.

   Enjoy the bright moon and talk about growth

On September 10, the 24th Research Group of Central China Normal University held an online symposium on Teachers' Day to celebrate the first Teachers' Day that volunteers spent in the west.

All participants watched the theme video of the Teachers' Day of the Graduate Education League of Central China Normal University, "Weaving longitude and latitude, time painting our first Teachers' Day in the west"; It reviewed the teaching experience and work growth of each team since they arrived at the post.

The moon is bright all over the world, enjoying the Mid Autumn Festival. Volunteers in four provinces and six places enjoy a round of bright moon and send blessings to each other through video. The leaders of each unit introduced their life and work after they arrived at the post, shared the little things in the post and teaching support, and exchanged the experience of characteristic work.

They said that they left the campus, went to the west, and went to the podium. In the training of serving the grassroots, they had a deeper understanding of the mission and responsibility of the research group, and strengthened their determination and confidence to join the cause of strengthening education!

In the joyful and peaceful festival atmosphere, members of each research team carried out online fellowship game activities, which conveyed the festival blessings and expectations for the future in the form of "guess what I sing" song chorus.

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong