Introduction to Liaoning University Graduate Teaching Group


2015-11-02 17:26:00   Source: China Youth Network   

Liaoning University is a provincial comprehensive university with disciplines of literature, history, philosophy, economics, law, science, engineering, management, medicine, art, etc. The school has three campuses, namely Shenyang Chongshan Campus, Shenyang Puhe Campus and Liaoyang Wusheng Campus. The school covers an area of 2190 mu, with a building area of 654000 square meters. It is a national "211 Project" key construction university and a world-class discipline construction university.

Liaoning University originated from the business school established by the Northeast People's Government in Shenyang in November 1948, and is the first specialized business university established by the Communist Party of China. In 1953, the Northeast Commercial College joined the Northeast College of Finance and Economics. In 1958, some departments of Northeast University of Finance and Economics and Shenyang Normal University were merged with Shenyang Russian Language College to form Liaoning University. Comrade Zhu De wrote the name of the university.

Faced with the requirements of the new situation, Liaoning University adheres to the spirit of the school motto of "being virtuous, diligent, and committed to strengthening", and strives to build Liaoning University into an internationally renowned comprehensive high-level university with distinctive application characteristics as soon as possible through the solid work of all Liaoning adults.

Since joining the China Youth Volunteer Poverty Alleviation Relay Program in 2005, the Liaoning University Graduate Education Group has sent more than 100 volunteers to Xinjiang. Adhering to the volunteer service spirit of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress", the volunteers of all previous volunteer education groups are based on their posts and work silently. They have been highly praised by the teachers and students of service units and all walks of life in Xinjiang. While fully demonstrating the demeanor of young volunteers in Liaoning University, they also contribute to the education cause of Korla.

In the past 13 years, Liaoning University's graduate student support group has grown from scratch and from small to large. At the beginning, 3 volunteers are sent every year to serve a school in Korla No. 2 Middle School, and 15 volunteers are sent every year to serve three schools in Korla No. 2 Middle School (2005), Korla Experimental Middle School (2013), and Korla No. 6 Primary School (2015), The postgraduate teaching group of Liaoning University has become a gold lettered signboard cast by Liaoning University in the northwest inland of the motherland. The 20th Postgraduate Volunteer Group of Liaoning University was awarded the Excellent Award in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Youth Volunteer Service Project Competition and the Silver Award in the 4th China Youth Volunteer Service Project Competition; Fang Ning, the volunteer of the first volunteer group, was elected as the image ambassador of the eighth national graduate volunteer group; Jiang Yuan, a volunteer of the Seventh Volunteer Group, and Wang Boyu, a volunteer of the 17th Volunteer Group, won the "May 4th Medal" of Shenyang, an outstanding volunteer of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; Shi Yuandong, the 18th volunteer, was awarded the National Excellent Volunteer of the Western Plan, and was selected as one of the "Striving Youth and the Most Beautiful" group. The Central College Students' Western Plan Excellent Volunteer Typical Fact Propaganda Group went to more than 30 colleges and universities across the country to preach typical deeds... Over the years, The typical deeds of all previous graduate student volunteer groups in Korla who actively participated in volunteer services were reported by many mainstream media such as the Chinese Communist Youth League website.

The 13 years of Liaoning University Graduate Education Support Group have been hard working. Liaoning University Graduate Education Support Group will irrigate more knowledge and happiness on the land in the western part of the country. Adhering to the idea of "doing something unforgettable in a short time", the members of the Education Support Group will never regret their efforts and implant the advanced work philosophy of Liaoning University into the soil of Xinjiang, To help them take root and sprout, the golden signboards built by Liao people in the western part of the country from generation to generation will be more shining. In the new era, the postgraduate teaching support group of Liaoning University is practicing the "volunteerism, the dream of the west" through practical actions, and will better continue and inherit the Chinese youth volunteer spirit of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance, and progress" and the school motto of Liaoning University of "virtue, hard work, and strength"!

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong