Wuhan University of Science and Technology's teaching group sent plays to the countryside to warm up children in mountainous areas


2016-06-29 10:37:00   Source: China Youth Network    Author: Li Yanlong

   China Youth Network, Beijing, June 29 (Reporter Li Yanlong, correspondent Chen Nan) Recently, the volunteers of the Longli Service Team of the 17th Postgraduate Education Support Group of Wuhan University of Technology, led by the Youth League Committee of Longli County, went to Bimeng Primary School, Longshan Town, Longli County, to deliver books, stationery and other love materials to children, and perform the "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" self care children sitcom, Let children improve their awareness of security and learn how to protect themselves through education and entertainment.

 The Longli Service Team of the 17th Graduate Education Support Group of Wuhan University of Technology carried out caring activities in Bimeng Primary School.

   The Longli Service Team of the 17th Graduate Education Support Group of Wuhan University of Technology carried out caring activities in Bimeng Primary School. The picture shows that the members of the research group grant students "Science and Engineering · Didi GO" grants. Courtesy of Wuhan University of Technology

At the donation ceremony, the principal of Bimeng Primary School gave a welcome speech to welcome the volunteers. Yuan Xia, the leader of the postgraduate branch of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, made a speech at the ceremony, saying that this donation activity was just the beginning, and hoped that the children could study hard to repay the society in the future, and use the "Didi GO of Science and Technology" grant program to subsidize students who are good at both academic and moral integrity and poor families.

 Members of the research group of Wuhan University of Science and Technology perform a self caring children's sitcom "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" for children. Courtesy of Wuhan University of Technology

   Members of the research group of Wuhan University of Science and Technology perform a self caring children's sitcom "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" for children. Courtesy of Wuhan University of Technology

After the donation ceremony, volunteers Yuan Xia, Chen Nan, Li Zemin, Li Miao and Qiu Shuang performed the "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" self care children's sitcom for the children, telling the children about the safety and self care of thunder and lightning in a lively way, and organizing interactive links to consolidate the knowledge learned in the play in a timely manner. Later, volunteer Chen Nan sent a carefully prepared poetry recitation course to the third grade students, leaving the joy in Bimeng Primary School. At the same time, volunteers Li Miao, Qiu Shuang, Li Zemin and Yuan Xia visited students' homes.

 Members of the research group of Wuhan University of Technology visited students' homes. Courtesy of Wuhan University of Technology

Members of the research group of Wuhan University of Technology visited students' homes. Courtesy of Wuhan University of Technology

It is reported that Bimeng Primary School is located in Changba Group, Changba Village, Longshan Town, Longli County. There are 219 students in school, and left behind children account for more than 60%, which is increasing year by year.

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