The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China issued the Guidelines for Youth Volunteer Service in Colleges and Universities


2022-11-23 08:37:00   Source: China Youth News   

Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League issued the Work Guidelines for Youth Volunteer Service in Colleges and Universities (2022 Edition) (hereinafter referred to as the "Work Guidelines"), which provides professional guidance for guiding the Communist Youth League in colleges and universities to highlight the political attributes and educational functions of youth volunteer service, improve the long-term mechanism of practical education, and improve the overall vitality and effectiveness of youth volunteer service in colleges and universities.

The work guidelines clearly defined the overall goal of the youth volunteer service of the Communist Youth League in colleges and universities, and proposed that by the end of 2023, the national colleges and universities should basically build a youth volunteer service system with sound organization, capable teams, rich projects, perfect systems, strong guarantees, and strong culture.

The work guidelines focus on six aspects: standardizing the setting of volunteer service organizations, strengthening the construction of volunteer service teams, enriching the volunteer service project system, improving the supply of volunteer service system, improving the quality of volunteer service guarantee, and creating a cultural atmosphere for volunteer service. They put forward the key tasks of youth volunteer service of the Communist Youth League in colleges and universities, and clarify the work requirements.

According to the comrade in charge of the Youth Volunteer Action Guidance Center of the Youth League Central Committee, the issuance of work guidelines is an important measure to further improve the leadership, organization, service and overall contribution of the Youth League in colleges and universities, and an important starting point to promote the scientific and standardized youth volunteer service in colleges and universities. After a long period of research, demonstration and extensive solicitation of opinions, a work guide with universal applicability, extensive guidance and systematic coordination has been formed, with a view to providing professional support for promoting youth volunteer service in colleges and universities into a new journey of high-quality development. (Reporter Chen Fengli)

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong