2018 University Student Volunteer Service Western Plan Launched


2018-04-23 16:44:00   Source: China Youth Network   

The launch site of the 2018 College Students' Volunteer Service Western Plan. Photographed by Li Chuan, reporter of China Youth Network

   China Youth Network, Beijing, April 23 (Reporter Li Chuan) On April 23, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security jointly held a teleconference to launch the 2018 college students' volunteer service plan for the west. Yin Dongmei, Secretary of the Secretariat of the Communist Youth League Central Committee, and relevant responsible comrades from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Heads of provincial (district, city) Youth League committees, education, finance, human resources and social security departments, and heads of provincial western planning project offices and key recruitment university project offices attended the meeting at the branch venue.

Yin Dongmei pointed out that with the care and support of the Party committees and governments at all levels, the joint efforts of the education, finance, human resources and social security departments and the Communist Youth League organizations at all levels, and the dedication of the vast number of volunteers in the Western Plan, the work of the Western Plan in 2017 was orderly implemented, the recruitment and dispatch of 18300 volunteers was successfully completed, and the service guarantee level in various regions was further strengthened, The management level of project offices at all levels was further improved, and the comprehensive effect of the Western Plan was further highlighted, which was recognized and welcomed by all service units and the masses.

Yin Dongmei stressed that project offices at all levels should closely focus on the national strategy and key tasks identified in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, accurately grasp the work orientation of the Western Plan in the new era, deeply understand that the Western Plan is a practical education project, focus on guiding young people with idealistic feelings, further strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and temper their will and character through the fiery grassroots practice in the western region, Sublimate the feelings of voluntariness; It is an employment promotion project, focusing on guiding and helping college graduates to establish a correct concept of employment, and building channels and platforms for them to work and start businesses in the west, at the grass-roots level, and in places where the motherland and people need most; It is a talent flow project, which focuses on encouraging and guiding college students from the east and central regions to work and live at the grass-roots level in the west, and promoting the regional flow of outstanding talents; It is to help the poverty alleviation project, focusing on promoting the co construction of schools and cities with the volunteers of the Western Plan as the carrier, and guiding university resources to participate in the local poverty alleviation work.

Yin Dongmei requested that project offices at all levels should respond to the call of "starting again with reform" and further optimize and upgrade the implementation of the Western Plan in the spirit of reform and innovation. We should adhere to the central task and serve the overall situation, promote the Western Plan to better serve the national key strategies, maintain and expand the implementation scale of ethnic minority areas, border areas, poor areas, and old revolutionary base areas, further adjust the post setting to deeply impoverished areas, further expand the scale of basic education programs, and further promote the flow of outstanding talents from the eastern and central regions to the western regions; Adhere to the overall planning and coordination of the project office, and all departments should fulfill their respective responsibilities, so as to better form the joint force of all departments for coordinated policy implementation; Adhere to the principle of "the whole league plays a chess game", give play to the good tradition of the Communist Youth League's unity of mind and mutual assistance between East and West, and jointly implement this key work of the whole league; Adhere to project management and professional operation, practically strengthen the capacity building of project offices at all levels, enhance the professional level of project implementation, and pay attention to the core links such as post setting, recruitment and publicity, review and selection, education and training, service guarantee, and employment promotion step by step.

At the meeting, the leaders of the Henan Provincial Communist Youth League Committee, the Sichuan Provincial Communist Youth League Committee, the Finance Department of the Ningxia Autonomous Region, Guizhou University, and Zhejiang University made exchange speeches on doing a good job in recruitment and selection, strengthening scientific management, strengthening service guarantee, optimizing policy support, and highlighting the educational function.

It is reported that this year marks the 15th anniversary of the joint implementation of the Western Plan by four ministries and commissions. Over the past 15 years, more than 270000 Western Plan college student volunteers have served at the grass-roots level in more than 2100 counties, cities and banners in the central and western regions. In 2018, the implementation scale of the Western Plan will continue to be 18300 people, divided into seven special projects, namely, basic education, services for agriculture, rural areas and farmers, medical and health care, grassroots youth work, grassroots social management, services for Xinjiang, and services for Tibet. The 2018 Western Plan will accept new graduates or graduate students from ordinary colleges and universities from April 27 to June 10 to register (for details, please follow the WeChat official account of "Western Volunteer Club" or visit the official website of the Western Plan: http://xibu.youth.cn )。

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong
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