The research group of Nanjing University of Information Engineering visited the Guangxi Revolutionary Memorial Hall


2024-05-20 14:47:00   Source: China Youth Network   

In order to promote the study and education of Party history in a deep and practical way, the 25th Nanjing University of Information Engineering Graduate Education Group (Guangxi Group) recently went to the Guangxi Revolutionary Memorial Hall to pay homage to the revolutionary holy land, trace back the red memory and accept the revolutionary tradition education.

Entering the Guangxi Revolutionary Memorial Hall, we moved slowly along the historical context. From the "Great Revolution Period to the Agrarian Revolution Period" to the "Anti Japanese War Period to the War of Liberation Period" exhibition route, members of the research group visited and learned about the revolutionary struggle of the Communist Party of China in Guangxi and the deeds of famous heroes in Guangxi. Through visiting revolutionary cultural relics and images of revolutionary ancestors, members of the research group learned the heroic deeds of revolutionary ancestors, felt the magnificent struggle of revolutionary ancestors, and felt the scene of bloody battle and arduous struggle in Xiangjiang Campaign.

After leaving the Guangxi Revolutionary Memorial Hall, the members of the research group were filled with deep respect and emotion. The wheel of history rolls forward, but the unyielding revolutionary spirit shines in their hearts forever. They will inherit the will of the revolutionary ancestors, carry forward their fine traditions, inherit the red gene, forge a strong party spirit, understand ideas, do practical things, start a new situation in the learning and education of the party history, draw forward strength from the struggle history of the party, and build a magnificent Guangxi We will work hard to realize the Chinese Dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (Reporter Li Yanlong)

Editor in charge: Zhang Jianwei