Zhejiang Institute of Science and Technology Research Group carried out a course tour with the theme of "the flag of the motherland in my heart"


2024-05-20 14:18:00   Source: China Youth Network   

Recently, the 25th postgraduate teaching group of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology went to Jixing Primary School, Jinhe Town, Jinkouhe District, Leshan City, Sichuan Province to carry out the "Red Cross Plan" of the motherland flag in my heart theme tour. The purpose of this tour is to carry forward the red spirit, guide students to know the five flags of the party, the national flag, the military flag, the regimental flag and the team flag, learn the meaning of the five flags, understand the story behind the flag, feel the sanctity of the flag, and learn to protect and love the flag according to law.

Xu Chaoming is the lecturer of the class tour. Xu Chaoming brought lively and interesting theoretical courses to students from three aspects: "I know the flag of the motherland", "The flag of the motherland has stories" and "I love the flag of the motherland".

At the end of the theory class, the members of the postgraduate volunteer teaching group guided the students to assemble the model of the national flag lift platform in groups. In practice, the students actively participated in the operation and worked together, with red flags on one side and lifts gradually taking shape. When the five-star red flag rose slowly in their hands, the students were very proud and excited. They watched the national flag attentively and felt its solemnity and holiness.

Later, the students shared their feelings and expressed their love for the motherland and their expectations for the future. This tour is not only a vivid patriotism education lesson, but also an ideological and political education enlightenment lesson to inspire children to inherit the red spirit! (Reporter Li Yanlong)

Editor in charge: Zhang Jianwei