The Research Group of Agricultural University in Zhenkang, Yunnan Province, revisited the Ancient Tea Horse Road and realized the feelings of guarding the border


2024-05-20 11:20:00   Source: China Youth Network   

   Cishuyakou Natural Village, Hongyan Village, Nansan Town It is the most border village in Zhenkang County, Yunnan Province, and is known as "the first outpost at the hundred mile border". A few days ago, the Yunnan Branch of the Graduate Education Corps of China Agricultural University revisited the ancient Yifang Tea Horse Road in Zhenkang County, listening to the story of border patrol and defense told by the border guards, and feeling the feelings of border defense.

At Chuanfeng Cave, the narrator told the members of the research group the story of "walking on the Yi side" of the ancient tea horse road in Yunnan and Burma. Courtesy of the Research Group of China Agricultural University

At Chuanfeng Cave, the narrator told the members of the research group the story of the South Silk Road branch - the ancient tea horse road in Yunnan and Myanmar "walking on the Yi side" with great emotion and voice. A song of Ashu Se (the traditional music of Zhenkang County, Lincang City, Yunnan Province) was sung. The courage of generations of border people to go to other places to do business and seek a livelihood, the hardships of their travel life, and the images of their missing each other with their families were presented in front of us. Clear post bells, crossing mountains and rivers, and traveling far away from the barbarians, they created a colorful history of Yunnan frontier with horseback and sweat.

In the activity, the members of the research group held the national flag and hiking sticks, and carried out simulated patrols along the daily route of the border guards, feeling the difficulty of border patrol, and experiencing the magic and romance of the border.

The members of the research team listened to the story told by the community affairs officer. Courtesy of the Research Group of China Agricultural University

In the open-air camp, the members of the research group tasted the caravan tea and listened to the stewards telling stories about patrolling and guarding. A boundary agent regularly surveys and inspects the frontline of the border, handles border affairs between the two sides, and mediates conflicts and disputes. They are groups of "self seeking hardship", silently guarding the "living boundary stone" of "national gate"!

At the end of the hike, volunteers arrived at the site of the bandit suppression outpost of the militia round, visited the border historical sites, boundary monuments and the old site of the checkpoint, and listened to the stories of the bandit suppression operations on the border. I watched and visited the frontier defense documentary in the frontier defense museum. The stories of the border guards in Zhenkang will encourage the members of the research group to forge ahead and contribute youth strength to the construction of a happy, beautiful, prosperous and harmonious new frontier. (Reporter Li Yanlong)

Editor in charge: Zhang Jianwei