Nanning Project Office will work together to precisely promote the high-quality development of the Western Plan


2024-05-11 09:13:00   Source: China Youth Network   

The Nanning Youth League Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Western Planning Project Office of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region have made multiple efforts to solidly promote the western planning work, continue to improve the efficiency and vitality of the project, help grassroots governance, and contribute youth strength to promote Chinese modernization and lead the high-quality development of county economy and society.

   Centering on "two dimensions", build a "charging station" led by thinking

Nanning county-level project offices, with the core of "Party building casting soul+group building empowerment", strengthen the ideological and political education of volunteers in the Western Plan by virtue of the two dimensions of "online and offline", so that volunteer service can become a classroom for life growth.

First, expand "online" learning and education channels. Using online learning platforms such as "youth learning" and "learning power", volunteers can learn theoretical knowledge and policies anytime and anywhere to ensure the timeliness and universality of ideological and political education. County level project offices set up relevant columns through WeChat public accounts, microblogs and other new media to share outstanding volunteer stories and stimulate more young people to participate in volunteer services.

The second is to enrich the "offline" learning and education forms. Through thematic group lessons, special training, red education, practical exercises, informal discussions and exchanges and other ways, we can effectively help the volunteers to improve their overall quality. In 2023, county-level project offices organized more than 20 educational practice activities on the theme of "learning from the 20th CPC National Congress, always following the CPC, and forge ahead on a new journey"; 12 special training classes for characteristic ability were held; More than 50 theme group day activities such as symposium were held.

   Grasp the "three mechanisms" and build a "concentric bridge" for training and management

Nanning Project Office will make overall arrangements for the volunteers of the Western Plan to go to the grass-roots front-line and actively participate in rural revitalization, rural education and other key work.

First, improve the working mechanism of the leading group. Nanning Project Office has set up a leading group for the western planning work, with the county (city, district) leader as the team leader. It actively connects with the human resources and social security, preparation, finance and other relevant departments, verifies the budget, discusses policy implementation, coordinates post setting, and creates a pattern of joint management.

Second, improve the internal management mechanism of the team. According to the actual situation of the region, the county-level project offices follow the principle of "who employs, who manages, who is responsible", clarify the responsibilities of the project offices, service units and volunteers, and promote the formation of a "youth talent training chain" for the growth and development of volunteers.

Third, optimize the training mechanism of volunteer service backbone. Each county level project office has established the "Qingdao Malaysia Project" Western Plan student class, developed the teaching outline of "prescribed courses"+"optional courses", formed a scientific and unified standard training program according to the training content, objectives and tasks, realization path and implementation carrier, and carried out training and cultivation level by level.

   Implement the "four major actions" to stimulate the "green vitality" of volunteer service

Nanning Project Office implements the actions of serving rural revitalization, caring for left behind children, rule of law publicity and education, and helping to create a civilized city according to the actual situation. Through carrying out diversified service activities, it constantly stimulates the service "vitality" of volunteers.

Long'an County Project Office established a youth pioneer team for rural revitalization, participated in the work of "township style civilization, youth first" and rural style improvement, carried out 33 volunteer service activities, and benefited 1060 people. The Youth League Hengzhou Municipal Party Committee went deep into the community and rural areas, carried out "warm childlike innocence" mobile children's palace and "colorful holiday" public welfare classroom activities, provided interesting English teaching, calligraphy and painting, aircraft model experience and other courses for children from migrant families in cities and children from poverty alleviation and relocation concentrated resettlement areas, so that more children can share off campus education resources and achievements. Binyang County Project Office has set up a volunteer team of "League members and League cadres+young volunteers" to carry out public welfare activities with the theme of "river youth" irregularly, leading young volunteers to patrol the management, cleaning and maintenance of the river.

   Perfect the "five chains" and build a "big stage" for talent display

The district and county project offices in Nanning adhere to the principle of combining strict management with love, and paying equal attention to management and service, build a platform for volunteers to make contributions and lead them to consciously participate in high-quality development of county economy and society.

Create a "group brand chain". The district/county project offices actively promote the development of volunteer services from "project-based" to "branding", effectively link social resources, and carefully create a brand of characteristic volunteer services. Hengzhou Project Office built a college student volunteer practice base of "Our Home · Dream Building Space", built a brand chain of "Jasmine Innovation" in Hengzhou, and held a series of activities such as innovation and entrepreneurship competitions; The postgraduate volunteer teaching team of Huazhong University of Science and Technology serving Long'an County carried out 16 "I love my students" brand series activities such as "Colorful Weekend School", "Cloud Science Popularization", "Cloud University", and served 728 people, realizing cooperation and sharing between the project site and the school; The volunteers of the Western Plan of Binyang County went into the campus to preach the cannon dragon culture, helping to build a brand of cannon dragon tourism culture.

Build a "youth communication chain". The district/county project offices give full play to their regional advantages, guide volunteers to display their professional talents, and participate in international and domestic youth exchange activities and large-scale event services. Volunteers of the Western Plan of Liangqing District actively participated in the construction of the new land sea channel in the west and Nanning area of the pilot area of the Guangxi Free Trade Zone, serving the "East China Expo and Summit", the National Student (Youth) Games and other large-scale events, with a total service time of more than 1000 hours; The Hengzhou Project Office extended the practical classroom to the forefront of development, such as the construction of Pinglu Canal, the construction of the Eastern New Town, and the "1+9" jasmine industry. It undertook the 14th China ASEAN Youth Camp student exchange activities, the "ASEAN Youth Flower City" theme exchange activities, and so on, to tell the stories of Nanning and Hengzhou from the perspective of volunteers of the Western Plan.

Build the "sound chain of political consultation". The district and county project offices strengthened the professional training of CPPCC simulation proposal writing, carried out rich theme activities such as "the Communist Youth League meets with NPC deputies and CPPCC members face to face", and stimulated the enthusiasm of Western Plan volunteers to pay attention to social conditions and public opinions in practice. In the 2022 Guangxi Youth Simulated CPPCC Proposal Solicitation Activity, the "Proposal on Selecting Western Plan Volunteers as Grass roots League Leaders" and "Suggestions on Strengthening the Importance and Training of Excellent Traditional Cultural Inheritors of Ethnic Minorities" submitted by Nanning Western Plan Volunteers won the first prize and the third prize respectively.

Improve the "care guarantee chain". Pay attention to the volunteer security of the Western Plan. The county level project offices provide social security and work and living subsidies for on duty volunteers, and regularly carry out holiday care work for the Western Plan volunteers, establish "one person, one file", visit every six months, designate project professionals, keep in touch, solve difficult needs, and promote the normalization and institutionalization of greetings and other work.

Highlight the "mechanism incentive chain". Each district/county project office will improve the evaluation mechanism, introduce performance evaluation into volunteer management, and establish an evaluation and incentive mechanism with actual performance, service recognition and satisfaction as indicators. The project office promotes the implementation of year-end performance evaluation and reward guarantee for volunteers. Some service units will give performance rewards to volunteers according to their work performance, and at the same time, they will do a good job in the evaluation and enrollment of volunteers after service. (Reporter Li Yanlong, Correspondent Chen Cong)

Editor in charge: Zhang Jianwei