The research group of South China University of Technology set up a propaganda group in Ning'er to spread the "voice of youth"


2024-04-29 10:18:00   Source: China Youth Network   

A few days ago, the First Junior High School in Ninger Town, Yunnan Province set up the first Youth Volunteer Group. In order to help the members of the preaching group better master the preaching skills, recently, the Yunnan branch of the Nanjing University of Technology postgraduate teaching group organized the members of the young volunteer preaching group of the No. 1 Junior High School in Ning'er Town to carry out theoretical preaching training with the theme of "being a dreamer in the new era and spreading the strongest voice of youth".

The picture shows the training activity site. Courtesy of Wei Yue

Jin Xin, a member of the research group, started from the written language, voice language, body language, and the actual examples of the "Red Research Language" theory group of Nanjing University of Technology, so that students can feel in practice how to tell the most touching stories with the most simple language and sincere feelings.

How to determine the theme? How to collect materials? How to write a manuscript? Zhang Shiyu, a member of the research group, opened the training class with three questions. Through case analysis, classroom questioning, live show and other forms, he explained in detail how to select appropriate materials for the writing of the lecture script and complete the creation process of "input processing output". The wonderful explanation and enthusiastic interaction in the classroom won bursts of applause from the students.

Members of the Youth Volunteer Publicity Group of the First Junior High School in Ning'er Town explained the stories of the martyrs in the martyrs cemetery in Ning'er County. Courtesy of Wei Yue

The students of the Youth Volunteer Lecture Group of Ning'er No. 1 Junior High School carried out more than 10 practical activities under the organization of the members of the research group. They use the "campus radio station" to share what they have learned; Walk into Pu'er National Unity Park and tell all teachers and students about the basic situation of the National Unity Park, the history of the national oath monument and related knowledge; We went to the Martyrs Cemetery in Ning'er County to explain the story of martyr Yang Zhengyuan to all teachers and students, and set off an upsurge of preaching the deeds of national unity and carrying forward the great national spirit inside and outside the school. (Reporter Li Yanlong, Correspondent Wei Yue)

Editor in charge: Zhang Jianwei