Luzhou: Volunteer the "green" force in the west to give the development impetus to the wine city


2024-03-04 09:07:00   Source: China News Network   

China News Network, Sichuan News, March 1 (Zou Liyang) Since 2003, under the leadership of the Communist Youth League Provincial Committee, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, Luzhou Project Office in Sichuan Province has adhered to its original mission of educating people for the Party and the country, and actively carried out the project of college students' volunteer service in the western region. In the past 20 years, 1587 volunteers of the Western Plan have been introduced, which has injected youth power into the poverty alleviation and rural revitalization of Luzhou City.

Cultivate talents. Luzhou City strictly implements the Administrative Measures for College Students Volunteer Service in the Western Plan and relevant central and provincial documents, and actively implements the service guarantee and management policies. The implementation rate of various subsidies, insurance and housing security was 100%, and the purchase rate of provident fund was more than 80%. Innovate the "1+7+N" management mode, establish the vertical management chain of "municipal Youth League working committee+7 district/county Youth League committees+N employers", innovate and explore the organization and management modes of the western planning service team, independent management committee, etc., realize the independent management, mutual promotion and progress of the western planning volunteers, and obtain high praise from the municipal and provincial Communist Youth League committees.

Expand the development platform. Organize theoretical studies such as the history of the Communist Party of China, official document writing, emergency rescue, public examination training, innovation and entrepreneurship policy lectures and other empowerment training. The coverage rate of the "examination for direct transfer of volunteers of the Western China Plan who have passed the examination upon expiration of the period" in the city is 100%, and 45 transfer quotas have been sought accumulatively upon expiration of the period; A total of 452 volunteers of the Western China Plan were successfully admitted as civil servants and public institutions; More than 500 employment and entrepreneurship volunteers are recommended.

Highlight humanistic care. The mode of "Qinglan pairing", "new and old mentoring", "learning from teachers and passing on skills" and other modes are adopted to ensure that volunteers quickly change their role orientation and realize the adaptation of people to posts. Practically carry out the work of "four must talk and four must visit", timely understand the volunteers' thoughts, work and living conditions, regularly hold symposiums on difficulties every year, and timely solve difficulties and relieve pressure.

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong