Volunteer Wang Qiuling: Pursue dreams bravely and reap happiness


2024-02-29 09:01:00   Source: WeChat official account "Youth City Group"   

Wang Qiuling, a volunteer of the 2023 Western Plan, is now serving the No. 1 Middle School in Luntai County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

   "I want to go where the motherland and people need most"

Wang Qiuling, a young man full of passion and blood, chose to enlist in the army when she was in college to contribute to the country. After successfully completing her studies, instead of choosing a comfortable life, she resolutely joined the Western Plan and determined to contribute to the border education of the motherland.

The education resources in border areas are relatively scarce, and the quality of education needs to be improved. Wang Qiuling is well aware that children in this land need not only knowledge, but also spiritual care and the shaping of outlook on life. Therefore, she went to Xinjiang with full enthusiasm and perseverance and devoted herself to the cause of supporting education.

In Xinjiang's volunteer education work, Wang Qiuling infected every student with her sincerity and enthusiasm. She is not only concerned about students' academic progress, but also their living conditions and psychological growth. Under her care, many children who had been confused had found the direction of life and set up lofty ideals. Her efforts not only let students feel the power of knowledge, but also let more people see the responsibility and responsibility of young people in the new era. In her, we see the future and hope of our motherland.

"This is the first time for me to step out of my hometown as a social person, bid farewell to the familiar environment, and join a new life and work circle. Here, I not only have to adapt to strange faces, but also deal with various unknown life and work challenges." At first, this change made Wang Qiuling feel a little nervous. However, over the next six months, her growth rate in Xinjiang exceeded her expectations.

"In the face of difficulties, the new friends of volunteer education are more tacitly reaching out to help. We have supported each other and passed through one difficulty after another. I am deeply gratified by the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance." At the same time, Wang Qiuling also gradually understood in the process of volunteer education that growth is not only the improvement of personal ability, but also the maturity of mentality and the expansion of interpersonal relationships.

Summarizing the past six months, Wang Qiuling's growth in Xinjiang benefited from the new environment, new friends and new challenges. In the future, she will continue to maintain a modest attitude of learning, constantly improve herself, and meet more life challenges. "I believe that in this era full of opportunities and challenges, as long as we bravely pursue our dreams, we will be able to reap full sense of achievement and happiness!"

   Play beautiful notes to warm the road of volunteer education

I remember that Wang Qiuling started the first semester of her life journey as a volunteer teacher and was responsible for teaching music courses for Grade 8. The memory of that time was deeply imprinted on her mind: that day, it was the last music lesson of Wang Qiuling's class at the end of the semester. She walked slowly along the corridor to the class, only to find that there were many expectant little heads sticking out of the classroom door. They stared at her intently, as if to confirm whether she was coming to their class.

When Wang Qiuling came near, a boy cheered excitedly: "Music class! Yeah!" This cheering sound seemed to be a signal, and then all kinds of screams and whistles broke out in the class. Several girls were eager to run over and enthusiastically pulled it into the classroom, as if afraid that she would suddenly change her mind and turn around to leave. At that time, Wang Qiuling was moved by their enthusiasm, and her heart was full of warmth and joy.

Her teaching experience also made her deeply appreciate the charm of music and the students' desire for knowledge. In their eyes, music is not only a way of entertainment, but also an emotional sustenance, an attitude towards life.

"Whenever the bell of music class rings, the students always greet my arrival with expectation and excitement. I am deeply gratified by their love for music and their thirst for knowledge." As their music teacher, Wang Qiuling is deeply responsible. She is determined to devote more enthusiasm to education in the future teaching, so that more children can feel the beauty of music and stimulate their love for music.

   Returning to her alma mater, she said to her younger brothers and sisters

Wang Qiuling told the students with her own experience: "If you are an ambitious young man who is considering joining the army, I strongly recommend that you take this step bravely. Although the life of the army is full of challenges and hardships, it is the tempering of this environment that makes you reborn and become omnipotent. In the army, you will learn how to face difficulties and overcome setbacks, which will not only make your heart stronger, but also make you cherish the beauty of campus life more. "

For some younger students who are hesitating to participate in the Western Plan, Wang Qiuling also gave warm suggestions. She believed that everyone should make decisions according to their own actual situation. "The Western Plan is a meaningful volunteer service. It requires you to carry forward the volunteer spirit of dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress, and be brave to face new environments and challenges. In this process, you may encounter many difficulties, but as long as you can stick to it, you will find that this experience will enable you to thrive."

"Whether you choose to join the army or participate in the Western Plan, we need to have firm faith and brave determination. Only in this way can we continue to move forward and grow on the road of life. No matter what choice you make, you must believe in yourself and move forward bravely. I believe that the future will thank you for your efforts now."

Finally, Wang Qiuling said, "In the Western Plan, you will have the opportunity to meet like-minded partners from all over the country and work together to achieve the same goal. You will work together to share happiness and hardship, which will not only help you establish a profound friendship, but also help you better understand the different regional cultures of China. In addition, you can also taste various local specialties and feel the unique charm of the western region. "

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong