Volunteer Dorjeega: compose a new song of dedication on the snow covered plateau


2024-02-28 09:02:00   Source: WeChat official account "Sichuan Youth Volunteer"   

He is sunny and optimistic, taking youth and struggle as his motto; He is willing to help others and regards dedication and dedication as his ideal pursuit; He is hardworking and takes diligence and responsibility as his original mission.

He is Dorjeega, a volunteer of the 2016 Western Plan, and the first secretary of the Development and Reform Bureau of Shiqu County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province in Longren Village, Derongma Township. General Manager Dorjeega walked in the snow with the attitude of youth struggle, warmed the plateau with a bright smile like Gesang flower, and wrote a new song of dedication on the snowy plateau at an altitude of 4526 meters.

Dorjeega lost his family unfortunately in his childhood. Shiqu's parents and public welfare organizations extended their help to help him continue his education and become the first junior college student in the village.

During the school period, Dorjeega worked hard and laid a solid foundation for becoming a qualified volunteer of the Western Plan. At first, Dorjeega was assigned to Mianyang City, but he expected to go to the hardest place and use what he learned to serve grassroots people.

Therefore, Dorjeega took the initiative to apply to the school teachers and the provincial project office. In consideration of the actual situation in Dorjeega, the teacher and the provincial project office discussed several times and decided to let him return to Shiqu County.

In the three years in Shiqu, Dorjeega worked hard to establish the "Voice of Youth" column of the Communist Youth League County Committee to publicize the policy of benefiting the people to the people, and tell the herdsmen with their own growth experience to "listen to the Party, follow the Party and feel the Party's gratitude".

Herdsmen's settlements, cordyceps collection sites, remote grazing sites Dorjeega never disappeared. Seeing the herdsmen smiling after successfully solving the difficulties, Dorjeega felt happy and happy.

He always said, "These things are all easy, why don't I help them?" Every time when the volunteer service is over, the dark face will burst into a Gesang flower like smile, "This is the simplest happiness."

Dorjeega has also been concerned about "school-age children going to school", helping dropout children return to school, and accompanying left behind children for weekends. Through efforts, Dorjeega integrated materials worth more than 1.94 million yuan and donated more than 400000 yuan, continued to fund 324 students, and escorted 22 children with congenital heart disease to Chengdu Huaxi Hospital for treatment.

"I just want to do some practical things to help people in need." Dorjeega also volunteered to apply to be the first village secretary at the grass-roots level. After arriving at Longren Village, Derongma Township, he focused on industrial development and increased farmers' income.

Duoji further understands that high-quality and efficient industrial development is the biggest guarantee for the continuous and stable income increase of the masses. To this end, he actively developed industries suitable for the actual situation of the village, distributed dividends to the whole village relying on the original industries, and implemented ecological, industrial, infrastructure and other projects, with a total investment of up to 64050000 yuan.

In his youth, Dorjeega has never failed, and in his age of struggle, he has never stopped. He said he hoped that many years later, he would proudly say, "I have no regrets in my youth!"

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong