Daying County Project Office implements the "four no" measures and completes the western planning


2024-02-01 10:03:00   Source: China Youth Network   

Since Daying County, Suining City, Sichuan Province was approved as a western planning project county in 2008, a total of 236 western planning volunteers have responded to the national call to come to Britain and contribute their youth to the construction and development of Britain in grass-roots jobs such as serving rural construction, rural social governance, and rural education. In 2020, Daying County Project Office won the National Excellent Assessment. In recent years, the Daying County Project Office has been adhering to the working attitude of "unswerving", "unambiguous", "unswerving" and "unswerving", and sticking to the principle of "attracting, educating, using and retaining", to continuously stimulate talent vitality and enable rural revitalization.

   Ideological guidance "unswerving"

The county project office closely focuses on the in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League, solidly carries out the theme education for League members and youth, and constantly strengthens the ideological guidance through the form of "propaganda+discussion+practice". First, the combination of special training plan and normal chemistry practice. The county project office focuses on the "Green Horse Project" training class, and focuses on the study before the monthly theme activity meeting, to carry out volunteer management methods, pre job training, theoretical knowledge of the Party and the spirit of important meetings, work business, professional growth of young talents, safety education and other learning and training, and effectively improve the service ability and level of volunteers in the Western Plan. The second is the combination of thematic discussion and individual self-study. The county project office organizes volunteers to carry out theme learning activities every month, requires volunteers to carry out independent learning through WeChat official account, learning power and other platforms, collect and push excellent learning experience for online display, and help volunteers improve their learning ability. The third is the combination of practice and quality improvement. The county project office takes the "youth volunteer" theme activity as the starting point, organizes all on duty volunteers to carry out special activities such as "green horse burning the prairie", protecting life, loving the community, walking with the law, and "Hexiaoqing", and assumes the mission of the times with youth.

   Service guarantee is "unambiguous"

The county project office actively implements the relevant policies of central provinces, cities and counties, solidly guarantees the treatment of volunteers in the Western Plan, and solves the worries of volunteers in life. First, gradually optimize treatment management. Since the Daying County College Student Volunteer Service Western Plan Volunteer Management System was formulated in 2020, the County Project Office has clearly stipulated that all service units need to provide free accommodation for volunteers, purchase necessary daily necessities, and issue post subsidies, and also require to purchase social insurance and provident fund for volunteers in accordance with the document. In 2023, the county project office will further revise the management system after consulting with all service units and relevant functional departments in combination with the project implementation, and add new contents such as "improving volunteer post subsidies, making it clear that the travel, communication, labor union welfare and other expenses of volunteers should enjoy the same treatment as ordinary employees". Second, focus on holiday condolences and care. During the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid Autumn Festival, New Year's Day and other major festivals, the county project office visited the volunteers, organized exchanges and discussions, organized league building activities, and talked with the volunteers, so that the volunteers can feel the warmth of "home" when they are in a foreign country. The third is to implement the employment policy. The county project office actively strives for the support of the township (sub district), editorial office and human resources and social security department, and will recruit outstanding volunteers who have reached the service period and assessment standards and are interested in continuing to shine at the grass-roots posts in Great Britain to the township institution editorial office.

   "No slack" in daily management

The county project office strictly implements the management responsibility of the western planning project. First, the recruitment process was standardized. According to the requirements of the superior project office, the county project office carried out a series of work in compliance with the requirements of volunteer recruitment, supplementary recruitment, training, agreement signing, pre job training and so on, and clarified the responsibilities and obligations of the project office, service units and volunteers. The second is the institutionalization of daily management. The county project office formulates volunteer management measures based on the actual situation, specifying the rights and obligations of volunteers, asking for resumption of leave, renewal, leaving the post, assessment and other contents. The personal information file of volunteers shall be established according to the principle of "one person, one file", and the recruitment documents, service agreements, service appraisal forms, etc. shall be sorted into volumes and kept in a standardized manner. Third, standardization of safety education. The county project office formulates a 24-hour duty system, requiring project specialists to keep their mobile phones on standby for 24 hours to keep close contact with volunteers; Strictly implement the reporting system for returning from leave, and timely grasp the whereabouts of volunteers; Safety education shall be carried out before the festival to remind volunteers to strengthen their awareness of prevention and build a safe defense line. Fourth, normalization of communication. The county project office implements the system of "half a year report and one forum in a month". By listening to the volunteer work report and the evaluation of the service unit, the county project office can understand the volunteers' thoughts, work and living conditions in a timely manner, and solve the problem of "anxiety and hope" in a timely manner.

   Encouraging the advanced "do not relax"

The county project office vigorously selects the typical trees and carries out the annual evaluation work through "recommendation selection publicity". In 2023, four volunteers won the National "Excellent Volunteers for the Western Plan" from 2022 to 2023, two volunteers won the "Excellent Young Volunteers" of Suining City, two volunteers won the "Excellent Volunteers for the Western Plan" of Suining City, two volunteers won the "Excellent Communist Youth League Members" of Daying County, and eight volunteers won the "Excellent Young Volunteers" of Daying County. (Contributed by Daying County Project Office, Suining City, Sichuan Province)

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong