The 12th batch of Chinese (Shanghai) young volunteers set off for Laos service team


2024-01-04 09:28:00   Source: WeChat official account "Chinese young volunteers"   

"Dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress! Go to the mountains and seas to add glory to the country!" Entrusted by the Central Committee of the Youth League and the China Youth Volunteers Association, the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Youth League continued to specifically undertake and implement the Laos aid project of China Youth Volunteers Overseas Service Plan. Recently, the "twelfth batch of Chinese (Shanghai) young volunteers to Laos service team" of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League set off. Five young volunteers will carry out one-year volunteer service in Chinese teaching, TCM acupuncture, IT and other posts, and relay the friendship between China and Laos.

In December 2023, the volunteers of the "12th batch of Chinese (Shanghai) young volunteers to Laos service team" of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League are taking an oath.

   Youth goes to mountains and seas, foreign aid volunteers interpret youth responsibility

From the Lancang River to the Mekong River, mountains and rivers are linked and lips and teeth are linked. A winding river affects the long-standing profound friendship between the Chinese and Laotian people. This time, a younger volunteer service team will continue to write volunteer youth in Laos.

Yao Shun, born in 1988, is the leader of this group of service teams. From the "cabbage" and "blueberry" of the World Expo to the "green sheep sheep" of the Guangzhou Asian Games, he comes from the Shanghai Hope Project and Youth Volunteer Guidance Center. He has accompanied the volunteer service from his school days to his work growth. After signing up as a volunteer to help Laos, he wanted to spread the voice of China as a young man in a big country, fulfill his mission, and "let other regions feel the temperature of China with quiet efforts". Talking about the responsibilities to be shouldered as a team leader, Yao Shun said that he had been thinking about and preparing for foreign exchanges, risks and hidden dangers since he signed up

Lin Zhengwen, 25, is the youngest volunteer in the service team. Born in 1998, he comes from Shanghai Jinjiang International Industrial Development Co., Ltd. This year, he just graduated from the graduate school and is very energetic. "I have never worked abroad before, and this aid to Laos is the first time to stand on the international stage as a young volunteer. As a representative of young volunteers, every word and deed represents Shanghai and Chinese young volunteers, and I hope I can show the responsibility of Chinese youth with a more professional volunteer appearance." Lin Zhengwen said with great expectation.

Shen Ruishi, 26, from Shuguang Hospital affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has rich volunteer experience. He used to play his medical expertise in volunteer services such as free diagnosis and teaching support, but now he also wants to use his learning to contribute to Laos. His Shuguang Hospital has a long tradition and deep foundation of youth volunteer service, and has selected excellent young doctors to carry out medical volunteer service in Laos for many times. "This departure is also a baton to help Laos from the predecessors. I hope I can give full play to the ability of an acupuncturist to connect the bridge of traditional Chinese medicine to Laos and the world," Shen Ruishi said.

Zhang Ye of Shanghai Yueyang Street Community Health Service Center is a post-90s acupuncturist. His father went to Pakistan in 1992 as an electrical expert to carry out voluntary services. The volunteer experience of his father's generation planted a seed of overseas volunteer services in his heart. Before the expedition, Zhang Ye has begun to focus on training the common treatment range of acupuncture and moxibustion projects such as pillows, sprains, intestinal diseases, etc., and expects to use his strengths to benefit the Lao people. He said, "It is a kind of inheritance that I can follow my father's footsteps to step out of the country to carry out overseas volunteer service more than 30 years later. I will try to continue to contribute on the basis of the previous help to Laos volunteers and inherit the volunteerism."

Wang Chun, also a post-90s generation, has lived in Japan for 8 years and now works in Shanghai Huizhong Agriculture Co., Ltd. During his years of wandering abroad, he learned advanced conceptual knowledge, and never forgot to return to the motherland for dedication. After returning to work, Wang Chun experienced the new changes of the motherland from an international perspective. He realized that China's development cannot be separated from exchanges and cooperation with other countries. "By signing up for this volunteer service in Laos, I am confident that I can quickly adapt to the strange environment in Laos and let the Lao people feel the open China with my own actions," Wang said.

   Promote the heart to heart connection between China and Laos with enthusiastic volunteerism

"Dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress. Go to the mountains and seas to add glory to the country. Work together and go all out. Spend your youth and fulfill your mission. Volunteer with me and take responsibility!" Recently, the twelfth batch of Chinese (Shanghai) young volunteers went to Laos for the service team's expedition ceremony was held in Shanghai. The flag of the expedition was waved, and the five volunteers swore loudly.

   In December 2023, the flag awarding ceremony of "the twelfth batch of Chinese (Shanghai) young volunteers to Laos service team" was held by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League.

A temporary party branch of the 12th batch of Chinese (Shanghai) young volunteers' service team to Laos was set up on the site, hoping that the party members in the team would strive to be the banner and example of overseas volunteer service.

Yao Shun, the leader of the 12th batch of service teams to Laos and the secretary of the temporary party branch, made a speech as a representative. He said, "We will live up to our mission, serve the Lao people with practical actions, live up to the sacred responsibilities entrusted by the country and organizations, live up to the ardent expectations of the Lao people, and write a new chapter for volunteer service in Laos with youth and sweat."

As the strong backing of the volunteers, the family members also came to the scene to send their best wishes to the service team. Zhang Dandan, the wife of volunteer Wang Chun, said, "I hope the members of the service team can rely on each other and help each other to do a good job in the work of international volunteers." Liu Jing, the wife of volunteer Zhang Ye, is the secretary of the Youth League branch of the Yueyang Street Community Health Service Center. She shared the registration information with her husband and encouraged him to go out of his home and give great love. Liu Jing turned thousands of words into a blessing at the scene, "I wish all the volunteers all the best in Laos."

Wang Jiang, Deputy Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, said, "I hope you will carry forward the fine traditions and gather youth forces to promote the heart to heart connection between China and Laos; I hope you will carry forward the spirit of volunteerism and maintain the image and honor of China's international youth volunteers; I hope you will overcome difficulties, be brave enough to take responsibility, and strive to promote youth volunteer services overseas to achieve new achievements."

It is reported that since 2002, in order to coordinate with the national diplomatic strategy, entrusted by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the China Youth Volunteers Association, the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League has assisted in dispatching 11 batches of 118 outstanding young volunteers to Laos to carry out volunteer services in Chinese and English teaching, sports training, computer training, medical care, agricultural science and technology, news broadcasting and other aspects. According to statistics, these young volunteers taught more than 31000 class hours of Chinese courses, more than 28500 class hours of English courses and more than 21200 class hours of computer courses, promoting the successful graduation of more than 12000 students. The young volunteers participated in more than 1300 surgical operations, outpatient and emergency care and other daily care, totaling more than 10000 person times, and treated nearly 8500 related patients through traditional Chinese medicine.

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong