China Youth Volunteer Action: New Era, New Exploration and New Achievements


2023-06-08 08:55:00   Source: China Youth News   

The youth volunteer cause is a major initiative of the Communist Youth League led by our party to innovate the work field and serve the social needs under the new historical conditions. Since 2018, the whole Youth League has implemented the work deployment of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Youth League and the requirements of the Communist Youth League to deepen reform, focused on the main responsibility, strengthened the system, expanded the culture, and optimized the mechanism, constantly improved the level of rule of law, professionalism, informatization, and internationalization, and promoted the new development of youth volunteer cause.

   Insist on educating people for the Party: young volunteers firmly listen to the Party's words and follow the Party's ideals and beliefs in practice

"Light a lamp to illuminate a large area". The implementation of the "Green Horse Project" Western Plan Project and the Graduate Education Support Group Project has enabled all volunteers of the two projects to learn about theoretical learning, red education, practical exercise, exchange and discussion, and based on post practice, so that groups of volunteers have loyal political character, strong family and country feelings, solid theoretical foundation, outstanding ability and quality Young political backbones who have rich experience in grass-roots work, are loyal to their duties, serve the public with high moral integrity and are committed to serving the grassroots in the west stand out at the grass-roots level, in the border areas and in the west.

In the past five years, the whole regiment has always regarded voluntary service as an important carrier of practice and education, and has guided the thought through all links of the whole process of voluntary service. Through voluntary service, people have been purified, trained and cultivated, and efforts have been made to shape the political beliefs, ideological concepts and values of the young generation.

Guided by political construction, we will guide young volunteers to study, publicize and implement Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Through symposiums, sharing meetings, etc., young volunteers are guided to combine volunteer service practice, talk about learning experiences, and set goals; Through the website, WeChat, and microblog, we launched learning videos to continuously improve the online thought leadership. In the process of volunteer service, young volunteers learn to publicize and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, foster family and country feelings, improve their understanding of national conditions, and cultivate sincere feelings with the people.

Adhere to the product oriented thinking, and strengthen the era oriented pertinence led by the young volunteers. On March 5 and December 5 every year, punctual waiting for the exclusive brand activity of "learning from Lei Feng" and "honoring volunteers" has become the "standard configuration" of many young volunteers for the holiday, which is also a microcosm of the growing "youth flavor", "era flavor" and "grassroots flavor" of youth volunteer cultural products. We will continue to let young people play the leading role. A number of volunteer cultural products with distinctive Communist Youth League symbols and characteristics, in line with youth temperament and taste, such as "Volunteer Literature", "Four Hundred Million Youth" series of short videos, "Volunteer Service Lecture Hall" and "Youth of Aspiration", will blossom. More good stories about young volunteers with warmth, feelings and strength will spread. Adhere to the new media as the main channel and main scene, create a publicity mechanism that links up the top and bottom, and # expose my volunteer service # # go to the west # and other topics have reached tens of millions of readers, and the social attention and reputation of China's youth volunteer action are growing.

Vigorously select excellent models and use the spirit of example to encourage and lead action. Two sessions of selection and commendation activities of the Outstanding Individual Award, Organization Award, and Project Award of Chinese Young Volunteers, and the selection and commendation of advanced individuals and advanced collectives in the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, selected a number of outstanding young volunteer teams, individuals, and projects, and did a good job in the second half of the articles of selection and commendation through publicity and other methods, so that more young league members can be infected by advanced typical deeds, Encourage them to actively participate in voluntary services, and devote themselves to the hot practice of serving the people and contributing to society.

   Serving the "Big One of the Country": young volunteers engrave their youth in the most needed place of the motherland

"Follow the command, volunteer first, professional guidance, orderly participation, and lead the growth", which is the mobilization order issued by the whole regiment after the outbreak of COVID-19. In accordance with the Work Guidelines on Young Volunteer Organizations and Volunteers Carrying out Emergency Volunteer Services for Epidemic Prevention and Control, we organized and mobilized young volunteers to actively and scientifically participate in the main battlefield of epidemic prevention and control, and write responsibilities and responsibilities with youth dedication. In the first month of the epidemic, local youth league organizations pre recruited 1.704 million volunteers and 1.371 million on duty volunteers. Similarly, at such critical moments as earthquake relief, flood control and drought relief, young volunteers were motivated to meet the demand, carried out emergency volunteer services in a scientific and orderly manner, and handed in heavy youth answers.

Over the past five years, the whole delegation has always been in the mind of "the greatest person in the country", closely centering on the central work of the Party and the country, deepening the demonstration and guidance of key projects, and uniting and leading young volunteers to make contributions and become talents in the hot practice of volunteer service.

"Go to the west, to the grass-roots level, to the place where the motherland needs most." This is the youth pledge of the volunteers of the Western Plan. Focusing on winning the battle against poverty and comprehensively implementing the strategic deployment of rural revitalization, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China, the whole regiment has sent more than 211000 college graduates to 22 provinces (districts, cities) in the central and western regions and more than 2100 counties (cities, districts, banners) of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps to serve at the grass-roots level. Many college student volunteers voluntarily choose to stay in the local employment after the expiration of their service. The Western Plan has become an important source of young cadres and young talents in the western region, and has made positive contributions to the introduction of "people", the pooling of "wisdom" and the retention of "talents" at the rural grass-roots level.

"Welcome to China", "Please come this way", "Please take your belongings"... In the service of the 70th anniversary of the National Day, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games and other major activities of the Party and the country, in the process of witnessing the "glorious moment", feeling the "great journey", and showing the "Chinese card", young volunteers are fully committed and dedicated, With sweat and smile, it shows a high spirited and promising spirit and a good image of Chinese youth in the new era.

"There will certainly be more Chinese ways to show the aspirations and responsibilities of contemporary Chinese youth on the international stage in the future." Guo Shuo, a Chinese youth volunteer who serves in the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary General for Youth, delivered the voice of Chinese youth on the United Nations platform. Over the past five years, the Chinese Youth Volunteer Overseas Service Plan has led contemporary youth to follow General Secretary Xi Jinping's "going global", focusing on sending more than 30 volunteers to countries along the "Belt and Road" to participate in local economic construction and social development, and sending 30 young volunteers to UN agencies in 14 countries to participate in international governance, Furthermore, we have cultivated and reserved a group of young foreign affairs talents with firm political stance, broad international vision, and profound cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

   Strive for "Small things for the people": young volunteers write the story of Lei Feng in the new era with practical actions

"Through the 'colorful holiday' volunteer service project, children who have relocated to resettlement sites can quickly integrate into their new lives and grow happily," said Peng Shuyun, deputy secretary of the CPC Committee of Debao County, Baise City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Every summer vacation, thousands of youth volunteer service teams are based on urban and rural communities, focusing on ideological guidance, healthy life, physical and mental growth, scientific and technological innovation and other contents to carry out "colorful holidays" volunteer services. More than 230000 young volunteers have provided services for more than 1.74 million rural left behind children and urban migrant children in the last five years, helping them spend a happy and fulfilling summer vacation.

Over the past five years, the whole regiment has always closely combined volunteer services with the needs of the people, took the community as the main scene of youth volunteer services, and worked hard to do small and practical, small and specialized, small and beautiful volunteer services to better meet the people's aspirations for a better life.

Similarly, by continuously deepening the project operation mechanism of "twinning+relay", we have led the majority of young volunteers to carry out the "Jinhui Action" volunteer service for the elderly in a regular manner, and driven the extensive implementation of a large number of volunteer service projects for the elderly with distinctive characteristics of the Communist Youth League, such as the "Love the Elderly by Grass Inches Action", which has created a good atmosphere of love for the elderly in the whole society.

Every weekend, in Binjiang Park, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, young volunteers of the Red Five Star Blind Runners' Group will come here with visually impaired friends to start morning running activities. The "Sunshine Action" organization of Chinese youth volunteers for helping the disabled has mobilized more than 2.3 million young volunteers to serve disabled youth in pairs, fostered a large number of volunteer service projects for helping the disabled with the characteristics of the new era, and improved the voluntary working mechanism for helping the disabled with young volunteers as the main body and social caring people and scholars participating.

"Please go this way by bus" "Let me help you, slow down"... With warm words, innocent smiles, and bright "volunteer red", the name of "serving the youth volunteers of the Spring Festival" Warm Winter Action "has come together. Over the past five years, more than 940000 young volunteers have provided guidance and consultation, order maintenance, key assistance, convenience and benefit to the people and other services for passengers in more than 100000 service posts in places such as railway stations, airports, road passenger stations, ports and docks, and expressway service areas, which has become an unforgettable warm memory for many tourists on their way home.

   Continuous reform and innovation: comprehensive expansion and improvement of youth volunteer service drive

The 18th National Congress of the Communist Youth League sounded the clarion call for the Communist Youth League to start again. Over the past five years, China Youth Volunteer Action has always integrated its own reform and development into the overall situation of the Communist Youth League's deepening reform, anchored its responsibilities and missions, adhered to integrity and innovation, and constantly improved the contribution of China Youth Volunteer Action to the Communist Youth League and volunteer cause.

Over the past five years, in accordance with the reform deployment of the grass-roots organizations of the Communist Youth League at the county level, all localities have solidly promoted the work of "county and county building associations", further improved the mobilization system of youth volunteer service organizations, and effectively played the important organizational platform function of youth volunteer associations in training builders and successors of socialist cause in practice. By the end of 2022, more than 91.5% of the counties (cities, districts and banners) in China have established youth volunteer associations in a standardized manner, providing important organizational support for the formation of a stable social function of the grass-roots Communist Youth League.

The Zhijiao Fair, founded in 2014, has undergone qualitative changes in the past five years due to reform. With the goal of serving the grassroots and driving the overall situation, the Fair continued its reform and innovation in line with the idea of "desalinizing the color of the 'competition' and strengthening the function of the 'exchange'", forming a new form from the traditional form to online competition, offline communication, and online offline organic integration, and gradually becoming a comprehensive platform for volunteer service project display, organizational communication, resource docking, and cultural guidance. Over the past five years, the three Zhi Fairs have led more than 40000 volunteer service organizations and more than 20000 projects to participate in the exhibition, and produced more than 3000 excellent volunteer service projects and public entrepreneurship projects.

The Fair is a microcosm of the deepening reform of China's youth volunteer action. In the past five years, the socialized mobilization mode of China's youth volunteer action based on the organizational mobilization has further matured, and the work system of organization, project, team, system, culture, activity, overseas and innovation has further improved. At the same time, the role of serving the "three forces and one time" construction of the Communist Youth League has further demonstrated, and the youth volunteer service work has further expanded and improved the driving force.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Youth League, tens of thousands of young volunteers, under the guidance of the Party and the organization of the Communist Youth League, have gone into communities, villages and grass roots. In the process of serving the people, they have been honed and grown into talents. They have painted a magnificent picture of youth volunteering and always following the Party. To embark on a new journey, young volunteers will embrace dreams, be down-to-earth, dare to think, dare to act, and be good at doing well, and strive to continue the brilliant chapter of young volunteers in the historic cause of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese modernization.

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong