Liaocheng University Volunteers Serve the Frontier and Become a "Non leaving Aid Team"


2023-03-08 09:49:00   Source: WeChat official account "Western Volunteer Exchange"   

Since the implementation of the Western Plan for College Students' Volunteer Service in 2003, Liaocheng University has always been standing at the strategic and overall level, focusing on the Western Plan. Over the past 20 years, the university has more than 10000 outstanding graduates enthusiastically applied, and 1605 outstanding college students have been selected into the Western Plan, covering 12 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) including Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai, Ningxia, Chongqing, etc. Among them, more than 80% of the volunteers applied for extension of service, and more than 410 people chose to take root in the west after their service expired.

"Carry forward the spirit of flourishing forests and make contributions to the west" has become the youth choice of many students in Liaocheng University. Many outstanding volunteers have devoted their youth to the west, and many more have taken root in the border, served the grassroots and made selfless contributions, making positive contributions to promoting the economic and social development of the western region, It has been highly praised by the cadres and masses in the west and actively praised by all sectors of society.

They expressed their lofty aspirations of "going to the west, to the grassroots, to the place where the motherland and people need most", came to the western region, rooted in the west, and dedicated their best youth to this land. Among them, Qi Faquan, whose family supports education in the west, Zhu Xiujian, who is rooted in Karamay, and Gao Xing, who is from the snow covered plateau, let's listen to their youth stories rooted in the west.

   Work hard with stars and moon overhead

Be down-to-earth and stick to it silently

Qi Faquan, a member of the Communist Party of China and a volunteer of Liaocheng University's 2007 Western Plan, is now the deputy director of the Education Supervision Office of the People's Government of the Education Bureau of Xinjiang Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe District). He has been engaged in education for 16 years since he joined the Western Plan to enter Xinjiang in 2007, becoming a "youth supporting the border" in the new era.

In June 2007, I was about to leave my alma mater, and under the call of "going to the west, to the grass-roots level, to the place where the motherland and people need most", I actively signed up to participate in the Western Plan. As one of the 24 volunteers of Liaocheng University for the Western Plan in 2007, I went to the Finance Bureau of Mulei Kazak Autonomous County, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to carry out volunteer services.

Group photo of volunteers of Liaocheng University's Western Plan in 2007 (Qi Faquan in the third row and the second on the left)

There is a long way to go in life. Looking up at the stars, it is necessary to yearn for high places. It is also very important to keep an eye on the road at your feet. Pengbeihai, Fengchaoyang, during the volunteer service, I saw the weakness of local grass-roots education. Although my parents and wife have a lot of worries and reluctance, I resolutely chose to stay in the border area and contribute to the education work in the border area, thinking of the children in the west who are eager for knowledge. At that time, I was admitted to the No. 1 Middle School of Mulei Kazak Autonomous County (hereinafter referred to as Mulei County) with the first place in the county. However, considering the needs of children in remote areas, I took the initiative to apply to the township middle school with more difficult conditions, which lasted for four years.

"Don't ask for pain or happiness, don't ask for gain or loss, try your best to fight". In the township school, I served as a teacher for the graduating class of the third day of junior high school. Some children were afraid of becoming "deserters" in the middle school entrance exam. I made home visits again and again, went to the children's homes to communicate with them and their parents, and helped them regain confidence and return to school to continue their studies. Some left behind children want to drop out of school and live in the society. I am patient and enlighten them to help them get lost. In the face of difficulties and pressure, I still choose to firmly dream and rise to the challenge.

As my working ability has been recognized by the school, I also served as the secretary of the Youth League Committee, director of the Education Department, director of the office, etc. of the school while doing a good job in teaching. No pains, no gains. I have successively won the third prize in the Xinjiang district level physics experiment innovation design contest, the second prize in the Mulei junior high school physics classroom teaching contest, the first prize in the second session of the Xijier Central School Young Teachers Quality Class Competition, and was honored to be awarded the "Outstanding Teacher at the County Level" by the Mulei People's Government in 2010. Looking back over the years, I still can't forget the time when I struggled for my dream.

Qi Faquan carries out teaching work

In order to realize my greater value in life, I took the civil servant recruitment examination of the autonomous region in May 2011, and was admitted to the Education Supervision Office of the People's Government of the Education Bureau of Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe District) again with the first result, becoming a national civil servant on the education work front.

During my work, whenever I go to school to carry out supervision work, my heart will become heavy, because I deeply feel the gap between the education in the west and the education in the middle east, the infrastructure is backward, and the teachers are also insufficient. How to contribute to the education in the west has become a question I have been thinking about. At this time, I thought of my wife who graduated from the College of Arts. In order to support the development of education in the west, I mobilized her to quit her stable job in Shandong and join the basic education work in Xinjiang to become a grass-roots teacher. After that, we moved with our family and took root in Xinjiang (my wife is a 2008 undergraduate from the School of Literature, Liaocheng University). Slowly, the two person world has become a family of three. With the implementation of the two child policy, we have also actively responded to the call of the country. The arrival of our son has made our "Xinjiang support" team even stronger. I also love the land in the west more and more.

Look at the beautiful flowers in the mountains and the bright orchid pavilion. Behind the quiet years, someone is carrying a heavy load. In July 2020, when Urumqi launched the second round of the fight against COVID-19, I took the initiative to participate in the fight against COVID-19. In the responsible isolation hotel, I wear protective clothing with my colleagues every day to measure temperature, kill and deliver meals; Regularly make telephone return visits with guests to understand their demands, publicize epidemic prevention policies, and encourage comrades to work together to overcome the epidemic.

I insisted on the front line of the War of Resistance. Two young children in my family were taken care of by my spouse alone. I had to give online lessons to students and also take care of their daily life. For this reason, I couldn't sleep at night. However, I understand that "without everyone's peace and tranquility, there will be no happiness in my family". In the 100 days of sticking to the epidemic prevention post, neither I nor my team members have fallen behind.

All the way, I always meet flowers. I devote myself to the great cause of education. In order to successfully complete all important tasks, I lost every opportunity to accompany my relatives. In 2013, in order to successfully pass the acceptance of the national compulsory education balanced development demonstration area and county, I canceled my marriage leave, sacrificed myself to get the work carried out smoothly, and made efforts and contributions to the first national compulsory education balanced development demonstration county in Xinjiang. Although I have experienced all kinds of difficulties, I know that if you want to realize your dream, you must firmly pursue it.

The tide is flat, the shore is wide, and the wind is setting sail. The Education Bureau of Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe District) has been rated as the advanced unit of municipal private education management for five consecutive years. In 2015 and 2017, I was successively rated as the outstanding educator of the third and fourth private education initiative by the Education Department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. In 2014, 2018 In 2019, he was rated as an advanced individual in the management of private non academic education by Urumqi Municipal Education Bureau for three times. During the period when I was responsible for the work safety of the education system in the whole district, the unit won the first place in the annual assessment of the whole district for three consecutive years. I was successively rated as an advanced individual in the work safety of the city in 2018 by the Urumqi Municipal People's Government, and as an advanced individual in the work safety of the city's education system in 2017 by the Urumqi Municipal Education Bureau.

In my ordinary post, I have fulfilled the original aspiration and mission of a Communist Party member and a volunteer of the Western Plan with my practical actions of loyalty. From one person supporting the border to the whole family helping Xinjiang, he has spent his whole life practicing the vow of volunteerism. The husband and wife are working together as one, contributing their youth and enthusiasm to the education cause. I am selfless in my ordinary post.

The spring breeze blows across the earth, and it is also the season when everything recovers. In the remote frontier, I have deeply rooted the volunteers of the Western Plan at the foot of the beautiful Tianshan Mountain. In the future, I will write more stories, and write the volunteer spirit in the frontier of the motherland.

   Be grateful for the youth choice 14 years ago
Zhu Xiujian, a volunteer of Liaocheng University's 2009 Western Plan, once served in the Youth League Committee of Huocheng County, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Since October 2011, he has taken root in Xinjiang and is now the director of the Office of the CPPCC Dushanzi District, Karamay City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

In the spring of 2009, before stepping out of the university campus, I participated in the Western Plan with full blood and passion. With the yearning and longing for Xinjiang, we firmly embarked on the road to the west with our "comrades in arms". From my alma mater Liaocheng University to Huocheng County, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, I started my two-year college student volunteer service career.

Group photo of volunteers of Liaocheng University's Western Plan in 2009 (Zhu Xiujian, the fifth from the right in the fifth row)

Two years of volunteer work has made me grow up a lot, and the experience of volunteers in the Western Plan has deeply influenced me. As time goes by, two years of volunteer service is coming to an end, and the question of whether to stay or not is also bothering me from time to time. On the one hand, it is my family in Shandong, and on the other hand, it is the hot land I love. When I first tried to talk to my family about the idea of staying in Xinjiang, my parents and wife unexpectedly supported me to continue to stay in Xinjiang for development. My wife also quit her job in Shandong and resolutely came to Xinjiang to become a "volunteer family member", encouraging me to take root in the frontier with practical actions. In October 2011, I passed the civil service recruitment examination, and successfully entered the People's Court of Dushanzi District, Karamay City to work, deeply rooted in the beautiful foot of Tianshan Mountain.

Zhu Xiujian and his family are in the west

During my twelve years of rooting in Dushanzi, I worked in the courts, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the CPPCC. "Volunteers are a brick, and they can move wherever they need". When I was in the court, I worked successively in the office, the criminal tribunal, and the political engineering department. The change of job positions required different professional knowledge to cope with. I overcame difficulties and passed the qualification certificate of accounting practice and the national legal professional qualification certificate by studying after work.

Due to work needs, I was transferred to the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in February 2017. Discipline inspection and supervision work is a political, policy oriented and professional work, involving various fields of political, economic, cultural and social life. I insist on learning skills and practicing internal skills in practice, strive to know both discipline and law, and constantly enhance my ability to adapt to the requirements of the development of the new era. Especially since the reform of the discipline inspection and supervision system in 2018, without experience to learn from, I have actively played a subjective role and successfully completed a number of urgent, difficult, dangerous and serious reform tasks. In April 2022, I was transferred to the CPPCC to continue to devote my youth and strength to ordinary posts.

Post is ordinary, youth is hot. Having rooted in Xinjiang for 14 years, the experience in different posts has not only increased my ability, but also made me calm and calm, and I also know how to be grateful.

Since my work, I have been rated as "Excellent" in the year-end assessment of civil servants for three consecutive years, and I have been recognized as a third class merit by the Organization Department of the Karamay Municipal Party Committee and the Karamay Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and have won the honorary titles of "Advanced Individual" and "Outstanding Communist Party Member" in the National Unity Family Affinity Friendship Activity for many times. No matter how many hardships and gains I have experienced, this extraordinary growth experience itself is a valuable asset for me.

Zhu Xiujian's Volunteer Service at the Grassroots Level in Western China

Happiness comes from struggle. The Western Plan is a cause of hope. It is precisely because I chose the Western Plan and Xinjiang that I have a wonderful life. Each generation has its own mission and responsibility. I will continue to use my silent dedication and dedicated professionalism in ordinary posts to reflect the value of youth and show the charm of youth in places where the motherland and people need it most.

   Overcome "Four Passes" and Pursue Dreams on Snow covered Plateau
Gao Xing, a member of the Communist Party of China and a volunteer of Liaocheng University's 2017 Western Plan, participated in the Western Plan for Tibet and served the Committee of the Communist Youth League of Tibet Autonomous Region. He has successively worked in the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Cuoqin County, Ali Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region, and a department of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region. In July 2018, he was rated as an autonomous region level "Outstanding Volunteer for College Students Volunteer Service in the Western Plan of Tibet", and in December 2022, he was rated as "Outstanding Volunteer for Xinjiang Corona epidemic prevention and control in autonomous region".

In 2017, I responded to the call of the motherland, joined the tide of the times, and made contributions to the west. I resolutely gave up the opportunity to return to my hometown to work. After trying to persuade my family and passing the examination of the school, I and a group of volunteer partners took the train to Tibet, the holy land where the dream began.

When passing the Qinghai Tibet Railway with an average altitude of 4000 meters, a soldier on duty stood on the desolate grassland and saluted the train solemnly. All the friends in the carriage were shocked, and some even cried. At that moment, I strengthened my confidence and determination - no matter what post I was assigned to after entering Tibet, I must stick to my post Be conscientious and do your best to do everything well.

The group photo of the volunteers of Liaocheng University's Western Plan in 2017 (Gao Xing from the fifth row and the eleventh from the right)

At the beginning of entering Tibet, while sighing about the green waters and mountains on the snow covered plateau, the body also experienced "plateau reactions" - hypoxia, headache, insomnia, tossing and turning night after night, and could not help but start homesickness. At this time, my friends and I began to encourage and help each other, talking about our original intention to go to Tibet, talking about our vision for Tibet, listening to the story of each volunteer's choice of the Western Plan... Although we were unwell, our eyes were shining with a firm light, and our hearts began to surge with a trace of excitement. With mutual encouragement and support, we gradually adapted to the plateau environment and overcame the "first pass" in Tibet after three days of perseverance.

After on duty service, I really felt the difference between class and practice, and skill panic and knowledge panic also followed. It seems that small things should not be sloppy, otherwise it will bring some unexpected consequences. What impressed me most was the preparation of the 10th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of Tibet Autonomous Region, which was attended by more than 800 young delegates from all ethnic groups and all walks of life in the region. I knew that there was no room for any mistakes in these materials, so I worked hard and finally completed various tasks with high quality. Although the high-intensity work is very strict and hard, I have grown a lot through this exercise. When I saw the victory of the conference, I felt that all the efforts were worth it.

Gao Xing Visits the Elderly at the Jinye Nursing Home in Dazi District, Lhasa City

While doing my job well, I have never forgotten my original intention and actively participated in volunteer service activities, such as participating in the activities of consolation for the elderly in Dazi County, "walking along the Lhasa River, cleaning up garbage on both sides", and green protection and environmental protection activities of the Party branch of the Youth League District Committee. I remember that in the nursing home, there was an old Tibetan aunt in her 80s. I packed dumplings for her and sent them home. Even though she didn't speak well, I still read the significance of national unity and family unity from my tearful eyes, and the most simple feelings between people. In my daily life and work, I will also actively help others, regardless of pay or income.

With the guidance and help of leaders and colleagues, it took me four months to get familiar with the work of the Secretary Section, draft some simple materials, have certain coordination ability, and become a "generalist" in the work. While conscientiously implementing the spirit of volunteerism, I also grew up to be the "social flower" of the Youth League Committee and got along well with colleagues from all ethnic groups. Gradually overcame the difficulty of "school" to "society", and overcame the "second pass" in Tibet.

"Young people should be ambitious and determined in all directions. Where the motherland needs, it is my hometown". The more difficult the environment is, the more it can inspire the sense of responsibility and mission of contemporary youth. The snow covered plateau carries my dream. Adhering to the motto of "dedicated, erudite, realistic and innovative", after the service period, like many college students, I chose to take root in the west and continue the spirit of volunteerism.

Gao Xing visits Zha Qiong's family

After passing the exam for studying in Tibet, I took the initiative to choose the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Cuoqin County, which is 4700 meters above sea level, and is responsible for employment. Cuoqin County is the county with the highest altitude in Ali region of Tibet. It covers an area of 22000 square kilometers and has a population of only 17000. It is more than 900 kilometers away from Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, and more than 800 kilometers away from Shiquanhe Town in Ali region. But it is where Kong Fansen used to work, so I often proudly mentioned to my colleagues and friends that I graduated from Fansen's hometown Liaocheng.

The remote and poor working environment really exceeded my expectations. The hard environment and strange work made me difficult to accept for a while, and I was once in a daze. However, the experience of volunteer service in the Western Plan has always inspired me to never retreat. Later, I met an old senior in the Tibetan restaurant in the county seat. He was a volunteer of the Western Plan in 2009. After a chat, I felt that it was too late to meet. I opened my heart to him and told him my confusion. He told me about his mental journey, and also talked about the earth shaking changes in Cuoqin County that he saw 10 years ago and now. Yes, I have always believed that people are responsible for everything. As long as I work hard, I can work out my own world here. After self adjustment and the enthusiastic help of my leading colleagues, I found my own direction again.

I often drive on the vast grassland, go deep into the township grass-roots line to understand the employment situation, investigate the training and employment needs of farmers and herdsmen, and carry out targeted skills training for farmers and herdsmen to help them find jobs. The most relaxing time is to sit on the roadside with Tibetan colleagues on the way to the countryside, eating dried beef, drinking sweet tea, looking at the blue sky and white clouds in the distance, talking about the past of life

In the three years in Cuoqin County, I participated in organizing 18 sessions and more than 300 person times of skill training for farmers and herdsmen, coordinated and helped more than 200 poor households to solve employment problems, and I also grew up to be a glorious worker dedicated to poverty alleviation. The experience and harvest of the Western Plan has always encouraged me to study modestly, work hard and improve hard in my new post, overcome all difficulties in working in remote and poor areas, and let me overcome the "third pass" of staying in Tibet.

Epidemics are orders, and prevention and control are responsibilities. In August 2022, the eighth month when I was transferred back to work in the autonomous region, Tibet ushered in the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic for the first time. All kinds of signs indicate that in order to win the battle of annihilation, more people must take the initiative to participate in the hard battle of epidemic prevention and control. As a volunteer of the Western Plan, I actively responded to the call of the Party Committee and the government of the autonomous region regardless of the risk of infection, put on protective clothing and isolation clothing at the first time, and determined to build a dam with medical staff to resist risks and disasters.

"The goods you bought have been disinfected and put at the door. Please take them away after half an hour. "It has caused you trouble" "We are not afraid of you coming"... The residents express their thanks to the people's hearts, which has become our most powerful power. Even though our hands are swollen and our voice is hoarse, our hearts are still full of passion.

At 3:00 a.m. on September 17, I received a phone call from a Tibetan grandfather, who said, "I'm really sorry to disturb you so late. My son can't come back from his isolated office in the unit. I'm not feeling well now. Could you please buy me some medicine?". One second I still felt sleepy, and the next second I woke up. After asking about the situation, I dressed and called my doctor friend, asking him to prepare some medicine for heart disease and send it to the entrance of the community. After disinfection, I sent it to my grandpa's home. The old man was safe and sound. The whole process took less than 10 minutes, but every minute and every second I felt tortured. In the meantime, I also properly handled a real name report, effectively resolved conflicts and disputes at the grass-roots level, and effectively protected the legitimate rights and interests of the people. This time, as a volunteer, I overcame the "fourth pass" in Tibet, and together with people of all ethnic groups across the country, I achieved a decisive victory in the prevention and control of the epidemic.

From the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the whole Party and people of all ethnic groups have experienced an extraordinary five years. In the past five years, I have witnessed the 70th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet, the completion of poverty alleviation and the building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way on the snowy plateau; It has witnessed that under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, Tibet has solved many problems that it has long wanted to solve but failed to solve, and has achieved many great things that it wanted to do but failed to do in the past, and has achieved high-quality economic and social development. As a youth in the new era, I firmly believe that in the current of the era of constantly advancing the process of Chinese modernization, the students of Liaoda will make new and greater contributions to the development of the cause of the Party and the country.

Liaocheng University attaches great importance to the western planning work, regards the western planning work as a talent training project, relies on the rich moral education resources in Liaocheng, and strives to improve the working mechanism and innovate the working mode. Over the past 20 years, the school has implemented project based operation and link based management in its western planning work, accumulated rich work experience, and gradually built a fine and solid western planning work operation mode with six links closely linked, comprehensive coverage, and typical guidance, namely, "publicity and launching, recruitment and selection, education and training, assessment and evaluation, tracking service,", The long-term mechanism of the western planning work with Liaoda characteristics has been gradually constructed, and the "Liaoda phenomenon" of the western planning has emerged.

In the next step, Liaocheng University will continue to strengthen the construction of the western planning work system led by the "Kong Fansen Spirit", continue to optimize the volunteer training and selection mechanism of junior training, senior tracking, and graduate selection, do a solid job in publicity, recruitment, selection and training, and strive to improve the tracking guidance and typical selection results. Organize a series of celebrations for the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the Western Plan, upgrade and reconstruct the Western Plan Education Exhibition Hall, constantly improve the reputation and influence of the "Liaoda phenomenon" of the Western Plan, and make greater contributions to continuously promoting the high-quality development of college students' volunteer service for the Western Plan in the new era, mobilizing more ambitious young people to devote themselves to the great cause of becoming a powerful country, and writing the youth of struggle. (Contributed by Liaocheng University Youth League Committee)

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong