Volunteer teaching story: half a year's volunteer teaching gains infinite happiness


2022-03-24 14:58:00   Source: China Youth Network   

Eight volunteers from the 23rd postgraduate branch teaching group of Taiyuan University of Technology have been supporting teaching in Xunhua Salar Autonomous County, Qinghai Province for half a year. During this half year, they spent their youth on the three foot platform, and also had a good harvest in the field.

   The outside world

The total area of Xunhua County is 2100 square kilometers, but the mountainous area accounts for 73.2% of the total area. The mountains have become towering and blocked the children's steps out of the mountains. The figure standing on tiptoe looking out is so sad that it has become their dream to let children see the outside world.

One night, Tan Benwei's QQ rang: "Excuse me so late, teacher, do you have any pictures of the school? Send me some to open my eyes." Tan Benwei sent many photos of Taiyuan University of Technology. After looking at the photos, she said: "I must study hard to get into my ideal university - Taiyuan University of Technology!"

This child, Ma Mengxi, was once criticized by Tan Benwei in class, but she always conscientiously completed every assignment assigned by Tan Benwei. Because she knows that Miss Tan is the one who is really willing to help her go to the outside world.


Han Yi is eager for the outside world. When she feels lonely and lost, Cheng Yue enters her world and gives her a light to move forward. Cheng Yue encouraged him to say, "You should study hard and go outside." Han Yi felt that Cheng Yue understood her. She made an agreement with Cheng Yue that when she went to college, they would travel together, go to the place she most wanted to go, and see the "outside" they both pursued together.

In fact, Han Yi may not understand that the omnipotent "Teacher Cheng" in front of her is just a little girl who lives thousands of miles away from home alone in a foreign country, and has also secretly shed tears because of the students' ignorance. To make Cheng Yue a mountain in the hearts of students, we need to be strong and courageous. In addition, those students who know how to love. Volunteering is not a one-way salvation of one person to another. On the contrary, it is about two people giving each other hope, and pursuing each other's value and strength in different life stages through common efforts. Volunteer education is an agreement between two ordinary lives, and also an agreement between them and all children.


The history of the Red Army Primary School of the West Route Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army began in the early 1940s. It was designed, built and built by more than 400 West Route Red Army soldiers who were fighting with Ma Bufang in the Hexi Corridor at that time. It is also the only Red Army Primary School named after the West Route Army in China.

As a national patriotism education base, tens of thousands of tourists come to review the red stories of the West Road Red Army every year to appreciate the immortal red spirit. Whenever there are tourists, Mizihao will take the responsibility of being an interpreter.

Inheritance is not only the inheritance of blood, but also the inheritance of spirit. The children sitting around Mi Zihao are descendants of the villagers who were once protected by the Red Army. The story told by Mi Zihao makes them always remember the red spirit of their ancestors and pass it on from generation to generation.

   Plant a tree

Why plant a tree?

The children missed the members of the research group who had come to volunteer education before. However, the road from Shanxi to Qinghai, more than 1000 kilometers away, is too long for them to come back to see their children. So Yu Junying took the children to plant a tree on the Tree Planting Day. She knew that one day she would also leave here. She hoped that the tree she planted together could grow together with the children.

Why plant a tree?

Another reason is that when the next volunteer comes to this school and sees the trees planted by their predecessors, they will think of their efforts and the sweat they have sown here. This tree will inspire future generations to do better.

Why plant a tree?

In fact, it is also about a wish that every volunteer who comes to this place to serve will plant a tree. They hope that one day there will be a forest here. This forest not only symbolizes the expectation of "ten years of trees and a hundred years of people", but also means the healthy growth of children under the efforts of generations of volunteers.


The children in Class 6, Grade 8 of Ethnic Middle School have received more than 50 letters from the big brothers and sisters of Taiyuan University of Technology. The elder brothers and sisters described the colorful college life to the children in their letters, encouraging them to study hard.

To Yang Xiaoyu's surprise, a photo of the National Flag Guard of Taiyuan University of Technology was included in a letter introducing the life of the club. He is in his photo. The children were very excited because they only saw Miss Yang on the platform at ordinary times, and they had never seen Miss Yang in military uniform and carrying the national flag.

Paper is short and love is long, which conveys one person's concern for another person; The distance is far, and a group of young people with love in their hearts are always caring for children in the mountain area; The volunteers acted as messengers of the "mountain" and "mountain outside" worlds, connecting the children's dreams with the "outside world" with paper and pen.

   Watch beside the bus stop

The boy with the basketball in the photo is Han Jinzhong. He loves basketball, but his performance is average. The girl in the photo is Zhang Miaomiao. She is Han Jinzhong's teacher. She also likes basketball.

Han Jinzhong is a fifth grade student, but he doesn't study well. So Zhang Miaomiao specially tutored him after class, starting with Pinyin, and told him, "As long as you study hard, we will play basketball together!"

The bus from Jiezi Town back to Hongguangxia Village runs every half an hour. Before the bus stopped at the station, Zhang Miaomiao saw Han Jinzhong happily waving his exercise book through the window and yelling, "I've finished writing, let's go play basketball!" That day, Zhang Miaomiao accompanied him for an afternoon, with laughter lingering in the mountains.

   teaching benefits teachers as well as students

Han Yimei is a very quiet student. She doesn't like talking after class. She has no willingness to take the initiative to communicate with Chang Kun, a male teacher. After many examinations, her scores were not ideal. Han Yimei's father took the initiative to find Chang Kun to learn about her children's school learning.

Chang Kun is also a very quiet person, with delicate mind and poor expression. He was anxious about Han Yimei's academic achievements, but he didn't know how to communicate with the students. As a result, he often used self-study time to read Han Yimei's homework and explain some problems to her from time to time. Slowly, Han Yimei also felt Chang Kun's gentleness and intention.

It was in this gradual exchange that Chang Kun learned that although Han Yimei worked hard, she relied on her sister when doing her homework, which led to her poor knowledge. Chang Kun communicated with Han Yimei about the problem of her declining performance and guided her to relieve her dependence on her sister.

In this process, Chang Kun, who used to be quiet and quiet, also learned to communicate with students and improved his expression ability. In fact, when every volunteer of volunteer teaching stood on the platform, corrected homework and enlightened students for the first time, they also made progress and grew up together with students in the interweaving of expectation and tension.


We all call her Xiaohua. Mother ran away from home when she was very young. Father's income is unstable. Grandfather is over 80 years old and suffers from some basic diseases. Grandmother still insists on working as an environmental sanitation worker. She is very sensible. Although she has just entered the fifth grade, she can already cook many dishes for her family.

Due to the lack of mother's company in childhood, Xiaohua is sensitive and insecure.

Guo Xuanfu and other volunteers are eager to do something for Xiaohua. They decided to be "moms" to accompany her! At the weekend, Guo Xuanfu and Cheng Yue took a 20 km bus ride, bumping all the way from the county seat to the village.

They took the children to walk on the mountain road, ran against the hillside together, and sang songs together. They also found a piece of "Xanadu". Overlooking the magnificent mountains and rivers, Guo Xuanfu played Ukri for the children. The children were very happy when they saw Ukrili for the first time.

Xiaohua sings songs, runs and plays, and smiles brightly. The sun shines gently into her heart. Silent company may bring the most wordless warmth. When Xiaohua smiles, the members of the research group feel that all the efforts are of great significance.

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong