The volunteer league branch in Mingshan District guides volunteers to become young people in the new era


2018-01-25 10:21:00   Source: China Youth Network   

   China Youth Network, Beijing, January 25 (Reporter Liu Qianqian) Recently, Mingshan District, Ya'an City, Sichuan Province established the volunteer group branch of the Western Plan. Recently, the Youth League branch has taken many measures to closely focus on the work of the Communist Youth League, focusing on serving the overall situation, the society and the youth, keeping pace with the times, pioneering and innovating, guiding the volunteers of the Western Plan to become new youth in the new era, and making continuous progress on the road of volunteer service.

   Deepen ideological guidance and improve ideological quality

The branch of the Western Plan Volunteer League in Mingshan District regularly organizes the Western Plan volunteers to carry out study and discussion, and the volunteers make theme speeches at the seminar. Through important time nodes such as the May 4th Youth Day and the December 9th Movement Memorial Day, the educational practice activities with the theme of "never forget the original intention and remember the destiny" are carried out, Invite the family members of the old Red Army to tell the story of the Long March for volunteers, and visit the Memorial Hall of Revolutionary Martyrs and the Party History Museum in Mingshan District. At the same time, in the daily recreational and sports activities carried out by the project office, the Youth League Branch gave full play to its role in ideological guidance, spiritual encouragement and cultural support, and carried out more than 20 activities, such as "Welcoming the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China", "Following the Party with Original Intention", "Advancing with Gratitude", and "Reviewing the Oath of Joining the Youth League". The volunteer league branch firmly grasps the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, earnestly practices the socialist core values, and constantly improves the ideological quality of volunteers.

   Consolidate the work foundation and deeply participate in publicity

The volunteer league branch innovated the work carrier and improved the work method. Taking the opportunity of the daily activities of the project office, it organized volunteers to participate in more than 50 activities such as legal publicity, AIDS prevention publicity, anti cult publicity, medical policy publicity, fire knowledge popularization, civilized persuasion, health city creation initiative, anti drug publicity, minors protection publicity, environmental protection publicity, etc, It also publicized and reported the participation of volunteers in the activity by relying on WeChat official account, Sina Weibo, Voice of Youth and other carriers, and commended the volunteers who actively participated in the activity and performed well in the quarterly meeting of volunteers of the Western Plan. In 2017, four volunteers of the Western Plan in Mingshan District won the title of National Excellent Volunteers of the Western Plan. Through the activities, the practical ability and adaptability of volunteers of the Western Plan were further improved, and the volunteer spirit of "unity, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress" was cultivated.

   Strengthen self construction and carry out theme group day activities

Based on the healthy development of volunteers in the Western Plan, the volunteer league branch strengthened the volunteer security system, established a caring system, understood and grasped the ideological trends and working conditions of volunteers, carried out theme group day activities through various ways, and kept close contact with volunteers. The Youth League Branch carried out activities such as the Western Plan Employment and Entrepreneurship Symposium and workplace image etiquette training to publicize the deeds of the successful Western Plan volunteers, interpret the current relevant policies, and improve the individual examination ability and service skills of volunteers. The Youth League Branch also insisted on visiting the volunteers regularly to encourage them to make enthusiastic contributions, take root in famous mountains, start businesses and find jobs, and achieve their dreams. The Youth League Branch regularly cared about the health and personal safety of volunteers, carried out physical examinations and SMS reminders of going out safety at the right time, and sent a cake of condolence to each volunteer on his birthday, so that the volunteers could feel the care and care of the Youth League Branch for them. In addition, the Youth League Branch has also organized volunteers to carry out volunteer sports meetings, centralized movie watching, gathering at the Mid Autumn Festival Dragon Boat Festival and other group day activities for many times, so as to integrate volunteers into the project office family and truly feel the warmth of family members.

Editor in charge: Li Yanlong
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