Software download > Application software > Office software > Microsoft Office Word2007 Tips > Batch create word documents

Batch create word documents

Software classification: Office software size: unknown Time: 2023-11-07
Software introduction: Microsoft Office Word 2007 is an old office software package, which can realize the most commonly used text, table, presentation and other functions of office software. Zol provides word 2007 download.

This article will guide you to achieve efficient batch creation of Word documents with different names.

1. Sort out the required file name, file format, etc. in Excel

 Batch create word documents

2. If you use excel formula to create a command line

 Batch create word documents

3. Select and copy commands

 Batch create word documents

4. Create a txt document, paste the command into the document, and save

 Batch create word documents

5. Change the txt file name to a file with the suffix. bat

 Batch create word documents

6. Double click to run the list.bat file to rate materials

 Batch create word documents

Article Title: Creating Word Documents in Batch

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Introduction to Microsoft Office Word2007

Microsoft Office Word 2007 is an old office software package, which can realize the most commonly used text, table, presentation and other functions of office software. Word 2007 has low memory consumption, fast running speed and compact size. Word 2007 has powerful plug-in platform support, provides massive online storage space and wps text document templates for free, supports reading and outputting PDF files, and is fully compatible with Microsoft Office 97-2010 format (doc/docx/xls/xlsx/ppt/p Detailed Introduction »