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Chinese font ranking

  • one  Song Dynasty style GB2312 font official download
    Song Dynasty style GB2312 font official download

    The default font in win7 is Yahei font, without this Song Dynasty style _GB2312 font or regular script View details

    User rating: nine point one branch
    see fifty-four People's Comments »
  • two  Founder Xiaobiao Song Simplified Font Download Official Version
    Founder Xiaobiao Song Simplified Font Download Official Version

    Founder Xiaobiao Song Simplified Font is a very decent computer font. Founder Xiaobiao Song Simplified is View details

    User rating: eight point four branch
    see forty-eight People's Comments »
  • three  Regular script GB2312 font download
    Regular script GB2312 font download

    Regular script gb2312 font, which has a classical character flavor, and Windows XP users can View details

    User rating: seven point eight branch
    see twenty-three People's Comments »
  • four  HZTXT font
    HZTXT font

    HZTXT font full name is HZTXT.shx, AutoCAD font "hztxt. shx" font is View details

    User rating: eight point eight branch
    see four People's Comments »
  • five  Wps font library
    Wps font library

    Wps font library has 96 classic font libraries. The WPS on the computer side doesn't know if you have met View details

    User rating: eight point eight branch
    see four People's Comments »
  • six  Engraving, painting, hollowed out and reinforced font package
    Engraving, painting, hollowed out and reinforced font package

    The hollow font is widely used for engraving, hollow out, ink-jet painting, banner font making, etc. It is a type View details

    User rating: eight point three branch
    see three People's Comments »
  • seven  Siyuan boldface
    Siyuan boldface

    Siyuan boldface is a new open source font launched by Adobe and Google in July 2014 View details

    User rating: eight point three branch
    see six People's Comments »
  • eight  Small label Song typeface gbk official free version
    Small label Song typeface gbk official free version

    Xiaobiao Song typeface gbk is a Xiaobiao Song simplified typeface download, according to the National Administrative Machinery Guan Gong View details

    User rating: ten branch
    see three People's Comments »
  • nine  Official version of cad shx font
    Official version of cad shx font

    There are 277 commonly used CAD software font libraries, which are absolutely classic. When you open someone else's CAD file, you will not View details

    User rating: eight point five branch
    see twenty-three People's Comments »
  • ten  Download CAD font library
    Download CAD font library

    The CAD font library contains 2485 font files. Please use them selectively View details

    User rating: nine point three branch
    see forty-eight People's Comments »
  • eleven  Official version of hzdx font
    Official version of hzdx font

    HZDX.SHX font, this font resource utilization rate is high, single line simplified Chinese font, support View details

    User rating: ten branch
    see one People's Comments »
  • twelve  Ps font download package
    Ps font download package

    PS Artistic font package provides users engaged in the studio industry with many free artistic fonts View details

    User rating: eight point nine branch
    see eighteen People's Comments »
  • thirteen  Official version of simsun font
    Official version of simsun font

    Many friends are looking for this simsun font on the Internet. In fact, it is the Song typeface. Generally, the system will automatically View details

    User rating: ten branch
    see two People's Comments »
  • fourteen  Braille obstinate black latest edition
    User rating: eight branch
    see zero People's Comments »
  • fifteen  CAD rebar symbol font Daquan green version
    CAD rebar symbol font Daquan green version

    The tssdeng.shx font of the rebar symbol is displayed in CAD. Introduction to Software Basics tssdeng is a CA View details

    User rating: nine branch
    see two People's Comments »
  • sixteen  194 Korean font collections
    194 Korean font collections

    Korean font collection download, including 194 Korean fonts, Korean font collection is quite complete online View details

    User rating: eight branch
    see two People's Comments »
  • seventeen  Aaa.shx font
    Aaa.shx font

    Aaa.shx is the most commonly used large font in AutoCAD software, single line simplified Chinese font View details

    User rating: eight branch
    see zero People's Comments »
  • eighteen  Font Manager 5.4
    Font Manager 5.4

    Font Manager is a font management tool that allows you to preview and compare selected font types View details

    User rating: eight point one branch
    see eight People's Comments »
  • nineteen  Truetype font
    Truetype font

    TrueType font Chinese name full true font, it has the following advantages: 1, true View details

    User rating: six point eight branch
    see fifteen People's Comments »
  • twenty  Full package of Apple Apple font
    Full package of Apple Apple font

    Apple Apple font is a Chinese font with Chinese elements created by Apple for Chinese users View details

    User rating: ten branch
    see one People's Comments »
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