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 Lawyer case collection management

Lawyer case collection management

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Model Contract
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30.47 MB
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Features of lawyer case collection management software

"Lawyer Collection Management" is a safe, convenient and easy to use case management software. It is designed and developed based on the actual work steps of lawyers handling cases and combined with the work experience of several senior lawyers. It displays the whole process from "adding customer information" to "completion of agency contract performance" in a simple interface, which conforms to the case handling habits of most lawyers, Complete functions are realized by simple operation, so that you can calmly deal with daily case management and case information at a glance. The main feature is that one copy can be run everywhere. After installation, you can directly copy the installation directory to the USB flash drive, mobile hard disk and other personal storage devices to run, which can be carried around without leaving any traces on the computer, thus ensuring the security of data to the greatest extent and making you worry free again.