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 PHP for Windows x64

PHP for Windows x64

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PHP is a new CGI programming language, which is easy to learn, easy to use, and fast to run. It can easily and quickly write powerful, fast running Web background programs that can run on Windows, Unix, and Linux platforms at the same time. PHP has built-in file upload, password authentication, cookies operation, email sending and receiving, and mobile

PHP for Windows x64 software features

PHP is a new CGI programming language, which is easy to learn, easy to use, and fast to run. It can easily and quickly write powerful, fast running Web background programs that can run on Windows, Unix, and Linux platforms at the same time.

PHP has built-in functions such as file upload, password authentication, cookies operation, email sending and receiving, and dynamic GIF generation. PHP directly provides original connections for many databases, including Oracle, Sybase, Postgres, MySQL, Informix, Dbase, Solid, Access, etc. It fully supports ODBC interfaces. When users change platforms, they can use them right away without changing PHP code.