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 More open chat (more open computer WeChat)

More open chat (more open computer WeChat)

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instant messaging
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2.67 MB
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Wangchatduokai (computer WeChat Duokai) is a simple, easy-to-use and efficient WeChat Duokai software, which supports multiple WeChat accounts to log in at the same time (unlimited number of logins), and supports convenient switching of multiple chat windows. With simple interface and simple operation, it can effectively improve the communication efficiency of customer service personnel, help enterprises to serve more customers with less customer service.

Features of the software of Wangchatduokai (computer WeChat Duokai)

Wangchatduokai (computer WeChat Duokai) is a simple, easy-to-use and efficient WeChat Duokai software, which supports multiple WeChat accounts to log in at the same time (unlimited number of logins), and supports convenient switching of multiple chat windows. With simple interface and simple operation, it can effectively improve the communication efficiency of customer service personnel, help enterprises to serve more customers with less customer service.

 More open chat (more open computer WeChat)  

Software features

1. Quick reply message

More open chat can quickly and timely reply to multiple messages, manage different WeChat accounts, and make work more efficient.

2. Stable without flashback

Multiple accounts can be managed at the same time without limiting the number of accounts. The software performance is stable without flash back and stuck.

 Wangchatduokai (computer WeChat Duokai) download

3. The interface is simple and easy to operate

Wangchatduo has a simple and beautiful interface, clear functions, simple and easy to understand, and can quickly manage and use.

4. Common for multiple scenarios

Wangchatduokai is applicable to multiple WeChat, customer service operations, community management and other multi scene users, and timely communication and follow-up.

Software benefits

1. Log in to manage multiple accounts, convenient and fast

Log in multiple accounts at the same time, with no limit on the number of accounts. It is convenient to quickly manage n accounts and improve work efficiency.

 Wangchatduokai (computer WeChat Duokai) official download  

2. Quickly locate important news and respond promptly without delay

One click message setting moves to the top to quickly locate, respond faster and more timely, and make work easier

 Wangchat Duokai (computer WeChat Duokai) free download  

3. Customized editing script, easy and fast response

Edit reply scripts at will, manage different terms in groups, lock common WeChat signals with one key, and facilitate search and management

  More open chat (more open computer WeChat)

usage method

1. Register and log in to Wangchat to open more accounts

  Wang Chatting and Multi opening (WeChat and Multi opening) Download

2. Add the required WeChat account

  Wangchatduokai (computer WeChat Duokai) official download

3. Start daily chat reply

  Wangchat Duokai (computer WeChat Duokai) free download

Installation steps

1. Download the software on this site and unzip it

2. Open the software installation package and click OK

3. Select the installation path and click Next

 More open chat (more open computer WeChat)

4. Wait until the installation is complete