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 Wukong can read

Wukong can read

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Early education enlightenment
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49.8 MB
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Wukong Literacy is a literacy software specially developed for children aged 3 to 8. Wukong Literacy combines the classic scenes of Journey to the West that children are familiar with, so that children can learn Chinese characters happily in the game. Zol provides a free download of wukong literacy.

Features of Wukong literacy software

Wukong can read It is a literacy software specially developed for children aged 3 to 8 who are in kindergarten or grade one. The whole software includes 1200 most commonly used Chinese characters and more than 5000 words, combining the classic scenes of Journey to the West familiar to children, so that children can learn Chinese characters happily in the game. The main feature of Wukong's literacy is that it is completely from the perspective of children's own use. Through stories, animations, games and other learning methods, children can learn happily. It only takes more than 10 minutes every day to start independent reading in a month. The new version adds the entrance for learning mathematics, English and Pinyin.