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 Seeking personnel file management system

Seeking personnel file management system

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ERP system
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8.54 MB
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Seeking personnel file management system is applicable to personnel file management of all organs, enterprises and institutions. The content covers personnel file entry, query, statistics, report, export to EXECL, print out, etc. It is easy to operate and has excellent functions. It is the right assistant of personnel file management personnel.

Software features of personnel file management system

Seeking personnel file management system is applicable to personnel file management of all organs, enterprises and institutions. The content covers personnel file entry, query, statistics, report, export to EXECL, print out, etc. It is easy to operate and has excellent functions. It is the right assistant of personnel file management personnel. The system has the following remarkable features: 1. The main interface adopts a tree type classification structure, and three display modes of list, card and table can be switched, which is easy to operate and intuitive; 2. The user-defined field item function is flexible and applicable to all industries; 3. Support unlimited hierarchical department structure and multi-user rights management; 4. Multi condition query function, including user-defined query; 5. There are four statistical methods: pie chart, column chart, curve chart and table; 6. User defined file card can realize multiple templates with report designer; 7. Support the management of direct photos from the camera and scanned ID images; 8. It supports second-generation ID card readers and mass SMS on Android phones; 9. Support the function of adding employee license pictures by dragging the mouse; 10. Batch process transfer, resignation and reinstatement, and view the history file card; 11. The online version supports a large amount of data and can build a talent information database; 12. Refer to the software for more functions.