Software download > Industry software > CAD software > CAXA electronic chart board > User comments
Rating and ranking of similar software: one 72 participants in total I want to comment
Rating: eight point two branch
  • Perfect: 32 persons
  • Good: 25 persons
  • General: 13 people
  • Poor: 1 person
  • Bad: 1 person
  • Good use, good use, good use

    reply Support( one )
    1 year ago
  • ZOL Jiangsu Suzhou Netizen


    reply Support( zero )
    2 years ago
  • ZOL Hunan Netizen

    Very useful

    reply Support( two )
    3 years ago
    • ZOL Russian Netizen


  • ZOL Chinese netizens

    I use the 2011 mechanical CAXA after self-study. Good design function.

    reply Support( two )
    3 years ago
    • ZOL Russian Netizen


  • ZOL Jiangxi Yichun Netizen

    six trillion and six hundred and sixty-six billion six hundred and sixty-six million six hundred and sixty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-six Okay Okay

    reply Support( zero )
    5 years ago
  • ZOL Hubei Yichang Netizen

    Good mechanical design software

    reply Support( twenty )
    7 years ago
    • ZOL Russian Netizen


    • ZOL Zhejiang Wenzhou Netizen

      Excuse me, how to download

    • ZOL Chinese netizens

      Is there a charge

  • ZOL Jiangsu Wuxi Netizen

    Good mechanical design software

    reply Support( eleven )
    7 years ago
  • ZOL Chongqing netizen

    Everyone agreed to download it for use, although it has not been used before reply Support (3) 1 day ago

    reply Support( seventeen )
    8 years ago
    • ZOL Russian Netizen


    • ZOL Sichuan Chengdu Netizen

      Caxa machinery is very good

  • ZOL Heilongjiang Daqing Netizen

    This is 2011, not 2013

    reply Support( ten )
    8 years ago
  • ZOL Zhejiang Wenzhou Netizen

    They all said it was easy to use. I'll download it and have a look

    reply Support( eight )
    8 years ago
  • ZOL Zhejiang Ningbo Netizen

    Everyone agreed to download it for use, although it has not been used before

    reply Support( thirteen )
    8 years ago
  • Thanks for providing good software and full support!

    reply Support( fifteen )
    Nine years ago
  • I heard it's very useful. Download it and try it

    reply Support( eleven )
    Nine years ago
  • Always trust this software. Come down and try

    reply Support( fourteen )
    Nine years ago
  • Everyone agreed. Let me try

    reply Support( fourteen )
    Nine years ago
  • ZOL Guangdong Jiangmen Netizen

    Very good Very good

    reply Support( fifteen )
    Nine years ago
  • It's said that this version is good, please download

    reply Support( seventeen )
    Nine years ago
  • ZOL Shandong Weifang Netizen

    A very good software, please download

    reply Support( twelve )
    Nine years ago
  • ZOL Jiangsu Wuxi Netizen

    Expect perfection!!!!!!!!

    reply Support( fourteen )
    Nine years ago
  • It works very well. Thanks for providing good software

    reply Support( fourteen )
    Nine years ago
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