Inner Mongolia Xing'an League: the maximum amount of a single provident fund loan was adjusted from 600000 yuan to 800000 yuan
Time: 2023-09-09 15:39:45    Source: Securities Times   
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According to the online news of the Securities Times, the Xing'an League Housing Provident Fund Center and the Xing'an League Housing Provident Fund Center of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued a notice to make new adjustments to the use policy of housing provident fund. The adjusted policy is to adjust the maximum amount of a single housing provident fund loan in the administrative area of Xing'an League from 600000 yuan to 800000 yuan. Second, the housing provident fund policy gives preference to families with more children (families with two or more children) in renting and purchasing houses. The annual total withdrawal amount of rental housing for each family with more children is adjusted from no more than 15000 yuan to no more than 18000 yuan. Thirdly, according to the Notice of the General Office of the People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Printing and Distributing the Administrative Measures for the Payment of Housing Provident Fund in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and other three measures (NZBF [2022] No. 92), employees who have paid housing provident fund can withdraw their own and their spouses, children The housing provident fund in the parents' housing provident fund account must be used in accordance with relevant regulations.

(Source: Securities Times)

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