The end of the bombardment of Wu Jingui was exposed, and the coaching career was ruined. The students were afraid to quit, and Wei Shihao and others were panicked
Time: 2023-09-08 14:45:34    Source: Tencent Sports   
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The incident of Mao Jianqing's shelling of Wu Jingui ushered in a 180 degree reversal. Originally, Shenhua's commander was pushed to the forefront of the storm. Unexpectedly, now Mao Jianqing has taken over the hot spot and become the target of public criticism. The cause of the incident was that Mao Jianqing, the former Shenhua international player, launched a live broadcast and accused Wu Jingui, Li Chengming and others in the Shenhua coaching team of not having real talent and learning, and only relying on drinking with players to maintain interpersonal relations. But then Mao Jianqing was repeatedly exposed to be addicted to alcohol. He was once sent to the reserve team by Wu Jingui for drinking, and was suspected of taking revenge on Wu Jingui's car, beating people at dinner, and so on. The staffing collapsed after a while.

In fact, Mao Jianqing was a talented player and was expected to enter the five leagues with his talent if he did not suffer from the drinking problem and was more disciplined. In the Toulon Cup in 2004, Mao Jianqing, only 17 years old, faced Brazil in the finals of the third and fourth places, and performed a wonderful performance of crossing the ball and scoring. He became a problem player when he was young and famous, and his career was also high and low. Although he was able to play in Shenhua all the time, he was far from the height expected by the outside world.

After the incident of shelling Wu Jingui was reversed, Mao Jianqing was also greatly affected. When the fact that he loved drinking and became a completely different person after drinking was exposed, his current work life was also affected. Mao Jianqing is now a youth training coach. On the issue of drinking, most parents of young players in youth training are probably not willing to give their children to such a coach. Although Mao Jianqing's past mistakes cannot be used to punish him now, parents will certainly mind drinking.

We fans all care about players' cultural level and willpower. Most of the time, players' problems are nurtured from childhood. If they do not develop good habits, values or even three outlooks in youth training, then there may be various problems after they grow up. So parents care about their children's growing environment and who the coach is. It's normal for Mao Jianqing to encourage himself with one sentence: "Football needs talent, but more self-discipline." I think he has realized his problem now, and I hope that his sentence can also encourage those young players.

Mao Jianqing's example also reminds other domestic players that sometimes they are too good-natured. They should cover their own edge on the football field and treat football down-to-earth. Even if you have the talent like Messi Ronaldo, it's no use not to discipline yourself. Nowadays, among domestic players, Wei Shihao and others are faced with such problems. Discipline is very important. Lack of self-discipline and discipline cannot reach a certain level. It is hoped that the negative example of Mao Jianqing's player era can serve as a warning to Wei Shihao and other players.

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