Company Profile

    Plastic runway, polyurethane plastic particles, EPDM particles, silicon PU, coating A and B, artificial grass, line paint, stadium facilities, plastic runway renovation, runway adhesive

    Yuan Fang

    Mobile: 13940620187

    Tel: 86 -- 2878163

    Fax: 86

    Address: 17-93, b2 District, Manhattan, Taihe District, Jinzhou, Liaoning

    Jinzhou Bo'ao Construction Co., Ltd

    Ordinary members
    • Enterprise type:

      Construction enterprises

    • Business model:

      Production and processing

    • Honors and qualifications:

      0 items

    • Main business:

      Plastic runway, basketball court, epdm particles, artificial lawn, silicon PU, coating A and B, runway adhesive, acrylic acid

    • Address:

      Jinzhou, Liaoning

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