Is Huang Siye Famous for Chopping Peppers and Mixing Rice? What's the Market Share

2022-09-29 19:50:20   Source: Global franchise network   751 people participated
  • Business Scope: Catering
  • Number of stores: 180
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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Featured food stores can always attract consumers, so many entrepreneurs see the business opportunities brought by featured food. Huang Siye Pickled Rice with Chopped Peppers is a fast food brand favored by consumers. The food he sells is mainly chopped rice with chopped peppers, which is in line with people's consumption psychology of pursuing heavy taste. Therefore, the store business is booming every day, and it is a brand worthy of attention by franchisees. Is Huang Siye famous for chopping pepper and mixing rice? How about the market share?

 Huang Siye Joins in Chopping Peppers and Mixing Rice

Is Huang Siye famous for chopping pepper and mixing rice?

Since its birth in Chengdu, Sichuan Province in 2020, Huang Siye has established more than 200 cooperative stores after just two years of development, which has established a good reputation and reputation in the catering market. As a catering brand favored by diners, the store operates a wide range of food types, including chicken thigh mixed rice with chopped peppers, pig elbow mixed rice with chopped peppers, cowpea mixed rice with chopped peppers, and so on. There are also special snacks and flavored drinks for diners to choose from. Therefore, the store's daily sales performance is quite impressive, attracting consumers from different regions in the north and south to taste in the store.

 Huang Siye Mixed Rice with Chopped Peppers

How about the market share of Huang Siye's mixed rice with chopped pepper?

The market share of Huang Siye's Mixed Rice with Chopped Peppers can be inquired in detail on the relevant website. In order to reduce the pressure on entrepreneurs to open stores, the headquarters will provide a variety of store opening assistance, mainly covering the following points:

1、 Store location support

The brand will analyze the distribution of local customer groups, the distribution of competitors, and the rent in different areas in detail to help entrepreneurs find suitable locations of stores, so as to improve the probability of success of entrepreneurship.

2、 Online operation support

The headquarters has established a professional online operation team, which will provide diversified online operation guidance, covering the daily operation skills of stores, team management skills and promotion planning, so that entrepreneurs can easily operate.

Is Huang Siye famous for chopping pepper and mixing rice? How about the market share? The above introduction is a relevant introduction to this problem. I believe it can help entrepreneurs. In order to ensure that the cooperative stores maintain a good development space in the local market, the headquarters will implement strict regional protection policy support and establish only one cooperative store in a city.

  • one thousand four hundred and twenty-six people Focus on snacks
  • ten thousand seven hundred and thirty-one people Consultation snacks

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