Are there any branches of Maodaxian hotpot Maocai in small cities

2023-08-20 09:18:32   Source: Global franchise network   170 people participated
  • Business scope: Maocai
  • Number of stores: 150
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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Maocai is a kind of food that everyone is very familiar with. It has a variety of food types and flavors. No matter what age group, diners can hardly resist the temptation of Maocai. There are many Maocai brands in the market. Maodaxian Hot Pot Maocai is one of the popular brands. It focuses on providing consumers with healthy, nutritious and affordable Maocai delicacies, which has not only captured the hearts of many food brands, but also become the brand concerned by entrepreneurs. What are the branches of Maodaxian Hotpot Maocai? How about joining in a small city?

 Maodaxian Hot Pot and Maocai Joined

What are the branches of Maodaxian Hotpot Maocai?

Since its birth in Chengdu, Sichuan Province in 2018, Maodaxian Hot Pot Maocai has established more than 150 franchise stores nationwide, which are distributed in Anhui, Zhejiang, Hunan, Jiangxi and many other provinces. The brand provides consumers with a very rich flavor of Maocai, including tomato soup, classic spicy soup and health bone soup. The dishes include various balls, fresh vegetables, mushrooms, beef and mutton series, etc. Diners can choose freely according to their own tastes in the store, regardless of men, women and children, You can buy your favorite delicacies in the store.

How about Maodaxian hotpot and Maocai in small cities?

It is also a good choice to join Maodaxian hotpot and Maocai in small cities. The headquarters will provide numerous support for opening stores, mainly including the following points:

 Maodaxian Hot Pot Maocai

1、 Unified logistics distribution support

The company has its own production base of Maocai seasoning and raw materials, as well as a professional logistics distribution center, which will provide unified logistics distribution support for franchisees, reduce the presence of intermediaries, and improve the cashier space of stores.

2、 Diversified marketing planning support

The headquarters has established an experienced influence planning team, which will provide a variety of marketing planning support for franchisees, such as annual store vouchers, free drinks on holidays, etc., so that the stores always maintain a good customer flow.

What are the branches of Maodaxian Hotpot Maocai? How about joining in a small city? Although Maocai is a kind of delicious food originated in Sichuan and Chongqing, it has a good sales throughout the country with its spicy and delicious taste. Maodaxian hotpot Maocai, as a brand with good influence in the industry, can meet the needs of different customer groups and is a promising entrepreneurial project.

  • eight hundred and thirty-seven people Focus on snacks
  • six thousand five hundred and eighty-nine people Consultation snacks

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